Office of Fiscal Services Training
This site includes training resources and job aids provided by the Office of Fiscal Services. For questions and additional information, please submit a request at
Budget Education Sessions
The budget education sessions are an effort to provide access to important financial data that makes the budget and associated processes transparent and accessible. Topics covered include the University System of Georgia Budget Cycle and a review of the KSU FY24 budget. This session also highlights the current Governor’s proposed budget’s impact on the USG and KSU’s budget priorities.
The budget education sessions are an effort to provide key elements on how the budget is funded and developed. The budget 201 session dives into some additional depth of university budgeting and position management.
Carry Forward Funds - Guidelines and Open Q&A Sessions
Carry Forward Funds Guidelines
KSU has a responsibility to ensure legislatively allowed carry forward funds are administered and maintained at an appropriate level. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is responsible for defining and maintaining the appropriate level of carry forward for each fund, and for holding the respective units accountable for managing to those approved levels. Those levels have been defined, approved by the President, and shared with the Chancellor and his staff. Effective for FY24, the attached represents the guidelines for the strategic management and use of carry forward funds.
Policies and Procedures
KSU adheres to all policies set by the University System of Georgia and Board of Regents. In a select few cases, KSU has determined the need to expand on the language set in the state policy and has documented such instances at KSU’s internal policy page. University System of Georgia policy and business procedures can be located at the below.
Board of Regents Policy Manual
University System of Georgia Business Procedures Manual
Policy for Establishing or Changing an Elective Fee or Special Charge
Faculty/Staff Services
Deposit Procedures
Cashiers Cannot Accept a Deposit without a Completed Deposit Transmittal
All money received should be deposited to the Bursar’s Office daily (located in Kennesaw Hall). Do not forward any deposit through campus mail. Note our busy time of the day is from Noon to 3:30 pm, and there may be a longer wait for service.
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-5:00 pm.
Deposit Transmittal (available on-line)
- Complete top part of deposit transmittal accordingly.
- Indicate detail codes and total amount to be deposited into this account.
- Note – It is not necessary to itemize each item if they are for the same detail code
- Add all amounts and indicate this total on the total line in middle of form.
- Complete bottom half of transmittal by indicating total of each money type.
- Add all amounts of money type(s) and indicate this total on the Total Deposit line.
- Note – Both totals must equal.
- If not, any over/ short must be indicated on bottom of transmittal.
- Note – Any overages/shortages in excess of $5.00 must be acknowledged with an explanation from the department head
All money turned in with deposit must be sorted by money type.
- Checks must be payable in United States currency and drawn from a financial institution located in the United States of America (the University reserves the right to determine the acceptability of all checks).
- Checks must be endorsed with department stamp or manually written. (For deposit only – Dept name)
- Checks are bundled together with two calculator tapes.
- Credit Card Charges are bundled separately with one calculator tape.
- Cash is also bundled separately with one calculator tape (Coins must be rolled, if enough)
Petty Cash Fund Procedures
Per Section 2 of the Board of Regents Business Procedures Manual, Petty Cash is definite funds established for small purchases, controlled and accounted for as imprest funds, the total composition of which must always equal the amount of the fund. The composition of a Petty Cash Fund usually includes cash, petty cash vouchers representing disbursements from the funds, and checks. Included also in this account would be the various change funds on campus, e.g., Bookstore, Dining Hall, Vending Machines, Change Machines, etc.
BPM Section 21 states that institutions using petty cash will need to have the following in place:
- Petty cash application and approval process
- Procedures for opening a petty cash bank account
- Reconciliation guidelines
- Closeout guidelines
- Management, record-keeping, and reimbursement procedures
Pursuant to BPM, these procedures establish the steps to be followed in the management of Kennesaw State University petty cash and project advance funds. The procedures cover the following topics:
- Fund Establishment
- Type of Petty Cash Funds
- Expenditures
- Replenishment/Reconciliation
- Change of Custodian
- Cash Audits
- Criminal and Consumer Credit checks
- Security Guidelines
- Closing of Fund
Fund Establishment for Departmental Petty Cash Fund
The department requesting establishment of a Departmental Petty Cash Fund must designate someone within the department as the custodian of the fund. The designated employee must be classified as a full-time, permanent employee. Part-time, temporary employees or student assistants cannot be custodians. The Request for Petty Cash Fund form must be completed and submitted to the Bursar's Office for approval and establishment of the account.
All Petty Cash custodians are required to have a criminal and consumer credit check. After approval of the Bursar, the Cashier Supervisor will forward the Petty Cash Request Form to Human Resources (HR) and request a criminal and credit background check. HR will confirm the completion of the credit and criminal background check or if a current (less than two years) background check is on file and is sufficient.
A Fund Custodian is required to sign a Fund Agreement, taking personal responsibility for the Fund including:
- Use of funds for approved purposes only
- Keeping accurate records that meet all requirements
- Keeping the funds and records in the approved location listed on the Fund Agreement Form
- Accounting for all sums/documentation at all times
- Ensuring that there are adequate funds in the budget to cover expenses.
Upon approval, the Custodian submits an OwlPay Payment Request to Accounts Payable and a check will be issued to the Bursar’s office. The Bursar’s office reaches out to the custodian, cashes the check and issues the funds to the custodian. A KSU ID is required before funds are issued. Upon acceptance of the funds, the custodian will sign the agreement box on the Request for Petty Cash Fund form. The custodian of the fund is responsible for ensuring that expenditures made from the fund within their custody comply with all State, BOR and KSU policies and procedures. The custodian of the fund is also responsible for ensuring that funds are adequately safeguarded (refer to Security Guidelines below).
If changes to the established fund amount or custodian become necessary, a new Request for Petty Cash Fund form must be submitted to the Bursar’s Office noting the existence of the current petty cash fund and the request for an increase or decrease of funds and/or change of custodian.
Petty Cash Fund Types
Petty Cash Funds are classified into one of three groups:
- Departmental Petty Cash Fund – Limited to $250.00
- Departments may request approval to establish departmental petty cash funds to reimburse allowable petty cash expenditures, which are further defined below. Departmental petty cash should only be used for small dollar purchases for which the goods or services are received at the time of purchase. If allowable, a purchasing card is the preferred method for making small purchases.
- Change Fund – Fund Limit is established by the Bursar in consultation with Users –
Auxiliary Services, Box Offices, Teachers Resource and Activity Corner, Sports & Recreation
- Change Funds are used to give change to customers when they are paying for goods or services. With few exceptions, these funds are typically held in Auxiliary departments. No other activity should take place within change funds.
- Bursar's Office Petty Cash Fund – Fund limits are approved by the Controller.
- These funds can be used to fulfill change orders for departmental change funds; replenishment of project advance/petty cash funds, expense reimbursement checks from KSU; cash faculty/staff personal checks; or issue salary advances (Controller or designee approval required).
- Departmental Petty Cash Fund – Limited to $250.00
Fund Establishment
The person who will serve as Custodian must contact the Bursar’s Office and will be required to describe the nature and purpose of the fund activities. Once verbal approval is received from the Bursar’s Office, the Custodian may complete the Petty Cash Fund Request. The Custodian must obtain the signatures required on the Form. When all signatures are obtained, the Custodian or Department designee will submit an OwlPay Payment Request to Accounts Payable. Accounts Payable will issue a check, which the Custodian will cash at the Bursar’s Office. Allow up to three days for the funds transfer to appear in the bank account.
- Fund disbursements should never exceed the “Requested Amount of Fund” listed in the Form.
Expenditures from Petty Cash Funds
Petty Cash purchases are subject to State Procurement, Travel and University system regulations. It is the responsibility of the department, fund custodian, and employees making such purchases to be familiar with the regulations regarding such purchases. The same purchasing restrictions apply to the use of petty cash as to the use of purchase orders and the University purchasing card with regards to prohibited commodities. Petty Cash funds should not be used to cover employee expenses, local or otherwise.
Items that should not be purchased using petty cash include:
- Items covered by State or University Contracts
- Prohibited items (e.g. Alcohol; see complete list in P-Card Procedures – Appendix B
- Entertainment
- Personal-use items, such as coffee pots, refreshments, invitations, greeting cards, radios, holiday decorations, etc.
- Cut or potted flowers
- Employee travel reimbursements (meals, lodging, taxi, airfare)
- Per diem and fees and other service payments
- Gifts, awards, prizes, including gift cards
- Memberships/Subscriptions
- Cell phone or telephone reimbursements
- Personal check cashing
- KSU Faculty/Staff expense reimbursement check cashing
- Loans/Advances
- Catering (food and beverages may be purchased if in compliance with food policy; see BPM section 19.8; food approval form required)
- Payment for Personal Services of any kind
- Rent
- Sales Tax (tax exemption certificate must be provided to vendor at time of purchase).
Repetitive purchases in the same day from the same vendor totaling more than $250 will be considered a violation of University procedures. Violations of petty cash procedures may result in non-reimbursement or fund closure.
Required Documentation for Petty Cash Expenditures
Payment to the supplier may be made in cash from personal funds of authorized personnel for reimbursement from the Petty Cash Fund or from funds withdrawn from a departmental petty cash fund.
Stringent controls on disbursement of cash by the Fund Custodian are required. All cash disbursements must be made in the presence of a KSU employee who shall serve as a witness to the disbursement. All persons to whom money are disbursed must sign a receipt/receipt log at the time of the disbursement acknowledging receipt of the actual disbursed amount. The KSU employee who witnessed the disbursement must sign the receipt/receipt log as witness to both the disbursement and signing of the receipt/receipt log. The Custodian processing the disbursement may not serve as the witness. The disbursement and signing of the receipt/receipt log must take place as one transaction and having the disbursement or signing of the receipt at different times is not permitted.
Petty Cash purchases may be reimbursed to an authorized employee or departmental agent with the submission of an approved petty cash reimbursement request, with the receipts attached.
In both cases, personal funds reimbursement from Petty Cash and withdrawals from the Petty Cash fund, must have the appropriate documentation. With one exception, (described below) all receipts submitted for reimbursement to the employee and by departmental petty cash fund custodians for reimbursement to the fund) should have the following characteristics:
- The receipt should be an original, machine generated receipt; it should not be a carbon copy or a photocopy.
- The receipt should contain the vendor’s name machine printed thereon.
- The receipt should show the date of the purchase, as well as the quantity, description, unit price and extension of each item purchased.
- Receipts should be affixed to a piece of paper for scanning purposes. It is highly
recommended that one receipt per page is attached and each page is numbered. The page
number should correspond to the summary sheet. The summary sheet should include the
- Date of receipt
- Amount
- Account
- Chartstring/Speedchart to charge the expense.
University personnel must provide a tax exemption certificate at the time of the purchase to eliminate sales tax from being charged.
Exception: In those instances where the receipt is not machine generated or the vendor’s name is not machine printed on the receipt, the receipt should be marked “Paid” and carry the signature of the vendor’s representative and the name of the vendor. It should be a formal receipt – not merely a slip of blank paper on which the information has been written.
If the receipt is missing, a Missing Receipt Form, located on the Fiscal Services website, must be completed.
Fund Replenishment
Replenishment of departmental petty cash funds must be initiated via OwlPay, with detailed receipts (see Payment to Suppliers above) attached as backup. Receipts must be submitted for replenishment monthly, at a minimum. The check is sent to the Bursar’s office and the Bursar will notify the custodian once the funds are available for pickup.
Departmental Change Fund denominations may be replenished through the Bursar's Office. For larger change funds, change orders from the bank can be coordinated through the Bursar's Office. The request must be submitted 48 hours in advance of need.
Change of Custodian or Fund AmountTo change Custodian, the Petty Cash should be closed and a new fund (with the new Custodian) opened using the Petty Cash Request Form.
Petty Cash Fund AuditsUnannounced petty cash counts on all petty cash funds are performed monthly by the Bursar’s Office for Departmental Petty Cash and Change Funds. The Custodian or a delegate must be present when the count is performed by Bursar’s Office personnel. Copies of unreimbursed receipts or pending reimbursements must be available to ensure receipts are submitted in a timely matter and all funds are accounted for. Both parties will sign and date the cash count sheet when completed. While the custodian or delegate may request a copy of the count sheet, the original is retained on file at the Bursar’s Office.
Custodianship of a petty cash fund is a fiduciary responsibility; therefore, custodians must commit to securing and managing the funds in addition to being available for the unannounced cash audits.
- Unavailable for Audit
- Custodians who are unable to commit or are not available to meet the Bursar’s Office personnel on two (2) successive cash count attempts in a month will be required to surrender their petty cash or
- Three postponements of the random monthly cash count in a year will be required to surrender their petty cash.
- Prohibited Purchases (see Section IV - Expenditures from Petty Cash Funds) identifies prohibited purchases from petty cash funds. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in suspension of the Custodian rights to hold the funds. Funds will be surrendered to the Bursar’s Office until another Custodian is selected and passes the criminal background check and the consumer credit check.
- Theft of Funds - Inform the Public Safety Department of the theft.
- Once a report has been issued, forward a copy of the police report to the Bursar’s Office.
- If the theft occurred due to the Custodian’s failure to follow security guidelines stated Section XII – Security Guidelines of these procedures, the balance of the funds will be surrendered to the Bursar’s Office and a new Custodian must be selected by the Department. The Department’s Petty Cash Fund will be reestablished once the selected employee fulfills the requirements for custodianship.
- Funds that are not returned or accounted for in following with University, State or Board of Regents policies will be considered an employee receivable. If this amount is not paid to the University within 15 days of notification, the amount due will be collected through payroll deduction, as noted in Section 10.1.2 of the Board of Regents Business Procedures Manual.
- Failure to comply with any or all petty cash policies and procedures will result in disciplinary action up to an including suspension of the fund for a stated time or closure of the petty cash fund and the return of the full authorized amount to the Bursar’s Office.
- Unavailable for Audit
Criminal and Consumer Credit Checks
Petty Cash Custodians are required to have criminal and consumer credit checks in order to receive and handle cash funds. Employees with a current (less than two years) criminal background check on file will only need a credit check. The Cashier Supervisor will notify Human Resources of the new custodian to request a background check. HR will confirm once completed or if a current background check on file is sufficient. The department is responsible for the cost of the criminal and/or consumer credit check.
HR will notify the Bursars’ office if the employee passed or failed the criminal background and consumer credit checks. If the employee did not pass the criminal or consumer credit check, the department will need to substitute another employee for HR to conduct the criminal background and consumer credit check as the replacement custodian. The Request for Petty Cash Fund form will need to be resubmitted to the Bursar's Office for the new custodian.
Security Guidelines
Petty Cash custodians must adhere to the guidelines for safeguarding the petty cash fund:
- Petty cash must be held in a locked cash drawer or locked cash box. For security reasons, a smooth metal finish box is recommended. A primary key to the drawer or box must be held by the custodian while a secondary key should be held by the department head or delegate for emergency purposes and monthly audits by the Bursar’s Office.
- In the event the authorized custodian has a scheduled or unscheduled absence, a temporary custodian can be assigned by the department head. Funds must be counted in the presence of the custodian or department head (or his/her designee) before the funds are used by the temporary custodian and upon return of the authorized custodian.
- The total amount of the petty cash fund should always equal the cash on hand plus any unreimbursed receipts. All overages and shortages must be reported to the Office of Fiscal Services (OFS) on the petty cash count sheet. If the Department Head or OFS feel it is warranted based on circumstances surrounding a shortage, Internal Audit may be contacted to investigate. If Internal Audit determines the custodian was negligent in their duty to safeguard the petty cash, the custodian may be held liable for replacement of uninsured losses.
- Department petty cash "change funds" should be counted daily by the custodian or delegate.
- Petty cash funds should always be kept separate from other cash receipts. To discourage thefts, avoid dispensing money from the petty cash box in the presence of the person requesting money.
- Where possible, keep the locked box in a limited access locked drawer, safe, or file cabinet. Funds must be secured each time the custodian leaves the office. The keys to the box and file cabinet, safe, or drawer should be kept in the possession of the custodian, not left in desks or in the office overnight. The custodian and department head may be held jointly liable for uninsured losses that occur as a result of negligence.
- In the event of a theft of petty cash funds, the custodian should immediately notify the Kennesaw State Public Safety Department and the Bursar’s Office. Incident reports from the Public Safety Department will be distributed within three days of the theft to the Department Head and the Office of Fiscal Services.
- Custody of a petty cash or change fund cannot be transferred. Upon departure/termination
of the custodian, keys to the secure petty cash area must be returned to the appropriate
personnel and funds returned to Bursar’s Office.
- A final count and submission for replenishment should occur prior to the custodian’s termination date.
- A change of custodian requires submission of a new Request for Petty Cash Fund form.
- The new custodian will obtain the fund at the Bursar's Office and sign the agreement box of the Petty Cash Fund Request Form.
Closing a Petty Cash or Change Fund
In the event that a fund is to be closed voluntarily, the following steps must be followed by the custodian:
- Notify the Bursar's Office of the intent to terminate the account.
- Prepare final replenishment request.
- Submit all cash on hand and final cash count to the Bursar¹s Office.
The Bursar's Office will review the final cash count and close the fund. Termination of the funds will be noted on the original establishment form and a copy will be forwarded to the custodian by mail.
Cash payments and Gift Cards - Reportable to the IRS. The majority of these transactions are de minimus (generally less than $25 per transaction). Current IRS regulations require reporting of earnings of $600 or more received from a single source within a calendar year. The vast majority of these transactions distributed to a single individual, from KSU, will never reach that threshold. However, if the total per person/human subject exceeds the $600 threshold, within the calendar year, Office of Fiscal Services – Accounts Payable will need to be notified so that a 1099 is created.
Petty Cash – Petty cash is a small amount of cash on hand that is used for paying small amounts owed for allowable expenses (see restrictions in Section V – Expenditures from Petty Cash). Petty cash is used for small dollar purchases for which the goods or services are received at the time of purchase. It is also referred to as a petty cash fund. The person responsible for the petty cash is known as the Custodian.
Attach any backup necessary to reference the deposit.
Yellow copy of receipt (Receipt book must accompany deposit for verification)
Check stubs
Explanation of deposit
Cash register tape(s) -
Related Forms
- Deposit Transmittal-One Time Form
- Deposit Transmittal Form
- New Detail Code Request Form
- Receipt Book Request Form
For information on Cash Advances, email:
Auxiliary Finance
Financial Reporting
The Financial Reporting Team is responsible for the accurate & appropriate reporting of the financial statements, daily transactions, monthly reconciliations and recordkeeping.
FLEx Accounting 101 – Provides an overview of accounting fundamentals related to fund groups, understand chartfield segments, as well as understand different accounts.
Excel: Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts and Data Analysis Tools – Microsoft Excel provides numerous tools that are useful in analyzing large amounts of data. Learners can expect a foundation in creating pivot tables, pivot charts, sparklines and slicers.
Simple Journal - Job Aids
Please access the Simple Journal Tile for Intercompany Transactions via GeorgiaFirst Financials.
- Simple Journal - OwlTrain - Provides instruction on how to submit Simple Journals in PeopleSoft.
- Simple Journal Job Aid – Creating and Submitting a Simple Journal.
- PeopleSoft- How To Access – Access your PeopleSoft Worklist.
OneUSG Connect Training Resources
The OneUSG Connect Self-Service Portal can help with all of your service needs. Using this self-service portal, you can:
- Search the new OneUSG Connect Knowledge Base for answers to questions you have. The Knowledge Base can be found by clicking on this link: OneUSG Connect Knowledge Base
- Locate job aids that were on OneUSG Connect and the KSU MSS websites
- Locate some useful Fluid Time and Absence Job Aids
- The red Help tile on your Employee Self Service landing page will also take you to the self-service portal where you can search the ‘Knowledge Base’ for more job aids, resources, and videos that will assist in answering additional questions you may have. The Employee Self Service page can be found by clicking on this link: OneUSG Connect Portal
Procurement and Payment Services
Accounts Payable
Schedule and Registration
The current accounts payable training sessions and registration information is available through the KSU OwlTrain system.
How-To Guides
Please access the Payment Request system (for submitting Payment Requests to the Accounts Payable Team) via GeorgiaFirst Financials.
Job Aids
- How to Complete the PeopleSoft Financials Access Form
- PeopleSoft Financial Payment Request Manual
- How to Monitor/Add Additional Workflow for a Requestor Video
- How to Add a Payment Request Tile to the Employee Self Service Page (Coming Soon)
- How to Enter a Payment Request
- How to Enter a Payment Request Video
- How to Approve a Payment Request Video
- How to Add an Approver to the Workflow
- How to Access Worklist
- How to Delete a Payment Request to Release the Pre-encumbrance Video
Note: Only users with AP Inquiry access in PeopleSoft, which typically includes Business Managers, Business Ops Professionals, and some others, can check payment status in PeopleSoft.
Please email, or submit a ServiceNow ticket via if you have any questions about Payment Requests, payment policies/procedures, and status of payments to vendors.
New GeorgiaFIRST Financials User Trainings
Introduction to eProcurement and the GeorgiaFIRST MarketPlace
Statewide Purchase Order Policy (pending new link)
Procurement Requisition Checklist
Account Codes, Category Codes, and ShipTo Codes
Account Codes—Sorted by Alphabet/Description
Account Codes—Sorted by Number/Account Code
KSU's most used Category/NIGP Codes. If you can't find your item/service, try searching the full list of DOAS Category/NIGP Codes.
ShipTo Codes - Please search here for ShipTo code information.
Approver and Business Manager Information
How to Approve a Requisition - How to approve or deny requisitions awaiting your approval.
Budget/Project Manager Setup Changes - Contact for changes to budget owners and project managers.
Business Manager Setup Changes - Contact for changes to business managers.
Can't Log In - If you are an approver and can no longer log in, you likely did not resubmit for PeopleSoft Access. This is done annually, please fill out the access form to gain access again.
Reviewing Open Purchase Orders - Business Managers should review open purchase orders monthly, and alert as to which ones need to be closed (typically those with hanging encumberances).
Requisition/PO Status - If you'd like to know the status of your requisition or purchase order, here's how you can search for it in PeopleSoft.
Signature Delegation Authority Form (Alternate Approver) - If you will be out of office for an extended period of time, please fill out a delegation form to set another approver in your place (they must already have an approver role in PeopleSoft Financials).
Chart of Accounts (Speed Keys)
Financial speed keys are available via a SAS report at the following link:
Select the "View Report" button (bottom right of screen) to see the Speed Keys Report.
- speed key: a short-cut alpha-character notation for entering a full chart string number consisting of department ID, fund, program, class, and/or project ID, which is used as part of an accounting entry. In PeopleSoft, it's called speedchart or speedtype, or an account code in ADP.
Creating Requisitions
Receiving Items for Purchase Orders (POs)
Receiving Assets - If the item you are receiving is categorized as an asset, use this job aid.
Receiving via Purchasing (as the original Requester) - This is the normal way a requester who submitted an order will receive the item(s)/service(s).
Receiving as a Non-Requester - If you need to receive an item that you did not submit the request (requisition) for, use this job aid.
Undo Received Status - If you need to undo the receiving status of a requisition, or to update an existing receipt to the correct quantity or price, follow these steps. -
Requester Information
Accounting Date Error - Please contact your Buyer Partner or email to have the accounting date updated so you can make edits to your requisition.
Adding Lines to a Requisition - If you've submitted a requisition and realize you need to add additional lines, use these steps to do so.
Budget/Project Manager Setup Changes - Contact for changes to budget owners and project managers.
Budget Reference Error - If you receive a budget error message, it means you have submitted the incorrect fiscal year.
Business Manager Setup Changes - Contact for changes to business managers.
Cancelling a Requisition - If you need to cancel a requisition due to no longer needing it or accidentally creating a duplicate, these steps show you how.
Can't Log In - If you are an approver and can no longer log in, you likely did not resubmit for PeopleSoft Access. This is done annually, please fill out the access form to gain access again.
Changing Ship To Location: If you need to change the Ship To location on a requisition, follow these steps.
Editing a Requisition - If you've submitted a requisition and need to make changes to it, follow these steps (or, if your requisition has been denied: Edit a Denied Requisition)
GeorgiaFIRST Marketplace Error - If you are trying to issue a requisition through the GFM and receive an error, follow these instructions to make sure you followed the correct path.
Item Unavailable When Adding to Cart - If you receive this error when creating a Special Request requisition, follow these steps to clear it.
Requisition/PO Status - If you'd like to know the status of your requisition or purchase order, here's how you can search for it in PeopleSoft.
Search for a Requisition - If you need to review a requisition you submitted, these are the steps on how to find it.
Access to a State of Georgia Purchasing Card (P-Card) is managed by the Office of Procurement, P-Card Program Team. The following job aid provides instructions on how to request a KSU Purchasing Card and/or P-Card Works access, as well as information on how to change access for existing P-Card holders:
Required Annual Purchasing Card Certification
Please reach out to the P-Card Administrator at to access the current training.
P-Card Resources
- Click here to access the KSU P-Card Manual
- Click here to access the State's P-Card Policy
- Requesting a P-Card and/or Access to Works® (Job Aid PC1)
- Sign-Off Approvals and Reallocations in Works® for Cardholders (Job Aid PC2)
- Processing the Monthly Statement Detail Report in Works® (Job Aid PC3)
- Sign-Off Approvals and Reallocations in Works® for Approving Officials (Job Aid PC4)
- Annual Works® Recertification Process (Job Aid PC5)
- Completing the DOAS Special Approval Request Form (Job Aid PC6)
- Submitting a P-Card Prior Approval Request (Job Aid PC7)
- Approving a P-Card Prior Approval Request (Job Aid PC8)
Contract Request Process Flows
Submitting a Contract - Procurement vs Non-Procurement Process
How to Submit a Contract via the CMS: To access documentation that will walk you through how to submit a contract request in the Contract Management System, please click here. This will take you to the UITS Documentation Center - in the left pane menu click on KSU Applications, then click Contract Management System.
Financial Compliance/Allowability
USG's Color of Money Presentation & FAQs for their Ethics Awareness Week
Color of Money: Uses and Limitations Video
The Color of Money: Uses & Limitations PowerPoint
Application Trainings
GeorgiaFIRST Financials (ePro or PeopleSoft) Trainings and Documentation
Enterprise Reporting and Training (ERT) offers monthly ePro training for new and existing approvers and requesters.
PeopleSoft Financials Security Access
The PeopleSoft Financials Access Form is needed in order to access KSU's financial systems. In order to access this form, you will need to have access to KSU Connect and have a Buckley Form on file. Additional information can be located here. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to
Buckley Form
- Follow this link to get the Buckley Form.
- Once done, the second step would be to request access to KSU Connect.
- No need to wait for a Buckley Form to be approved to submit a request for KSU Connect access.
KSU Connect
- Access to KSU Connect is required since the PeopleSoft Financials Form is located on this platform.
- In order to request access to KSU Connect, you will need to go to Service Now.
- Once in Service Now, you will need to go to Application Access Request and select “KSU Connect” under the Application section.
PeopleSoft Form
- User’s will be able to access this form after they have gained access to KSU Connect.
- To access the form, click here and fill out the form for the access specified for your job duties.
- If you do not know the correct access to select in the drop-down fields on the form, please check with your management.
How to Complete the PeopleSoft Financials Access Form via DocuSign
New Requesters
ePro New User Training for Requesters
A Financial Systems Access Form is required prior to gaining access to PeopleSoft and its related applications.
New Approvers
Approving/Denying Requisitions JobAid
ePro New User Training for Approvers
A Financial Systems Access Form is required prior to gaining access to PeopleSoft and its related applications.
Drop-In Sessions
ePro Drop-In Sessions
KSU Online Training Videos for ePro
How To: Personalize Homepage Tiles
How To: Create a Special Request Requisition
How To: Cancel or Undo Cancel a Requesition
USG's PeopleSoft Financials ePro and GeorgiaFIRST Marketplace Online Training
University System of Georgia (USG) offers an online training series for PeopleSoft Financials ePro and GeorgiaFIRST MarketPlace. The following videos will explain how to create and approve GeorgiaFIRST Marketplace and Special Request requisitions.
SAS Trainings and Documentation
Documentation for Intermediate Users
SAS Training for New Financial Users
This is a hands-on training session for users who are new to SAS Financial Reports. Topics include report navigation, sorting, filtering, saving, and understanding the data. You must have a SAS user account and approval to view financial information before taking this class. The Financial Report request form may be found here.
Upcoming Dates
SAS Training for Intermediate Financial Users
This SAS training is designed for users with SAS experience. Students will learn how to create their own reports including report design utilizing tables and graphs, formatting, totals and group breaks. You must have a SAS user account and approval to view financial information before taking this class. The Financial Report request form may be found here.
Upcoming Dates
P-Card Training
Travel (Concur) Training
Travel Drop-in Sessions
Upcoming Trainings Calendar
November 2024
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- 1Friday
- 2Saturday
- 3Sunday
- 4Monday
- 5TuesdayePro New User Training for Requesters: November 5, 202410:00am
- 6Wednesday
- 7ThursdaySAS Training for New Financial Users: November 7th, 20249:00am
- 8FridayOctober P-Card Sign-off approvals and statements dueAll Day
- 9Saturday
- 10Sunday
- 11Monday
- 12Tuesday
- 13Wednesday
- 14Thursday
- 15Friday
- 16Saturday
- 17Sunday
- 18Monday
- 19TuesdayTravel Drop-in Session2:00pm
- 20Wednesday
- 21ThursdaySAS Training for Intermediate Financial Users: November 21st, 20249:00am
- 22Friday
- 23Saturday
- 24Sunday
- 25Monday
- 26Tuesday
- 27WednesdayNovember P-Card Cycle EndsAll Day
- 28ThursdayDecember P-Card Cycle BeginsAll Day
- 29Friday
- 30SaturdayRe-Allocations in WORKS for November Cycle (10/26/2024 to 11/27/2024) dueAll Day
December 2024
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- 1Sunday
- 2Monday
- 3Tuesday
- 4Wednesday
- 5ThursdaySAS Training for New Financial Users: December 5th, 20249:00am
- 6Friday
- 7Saturday
- 8Sunday
- 9Monday
- 10TuesdayNovember P-Card Sign-off approvals and statements dueAll DayYear-End Deadline: Requests for Proposals (RFPs)All Day...ePro New User Training for Requesters: December 10, 202410:00am
- 11Wednesday
- 12Thursday
- 13Friday2025 Second Quarter Budget Amendments dueAll Day
- 14Saturday
- 15Sunday
- 16Monday
- 17Tuesday
- 18Wednesday
- 19ThursdaySAS Training for Intermediate Financial Users: December 19th, 20242:00pm
- 20Friday
- 21Saturday
- 22Sunday
- 23Monday
- 24Tuesday
- 25Wednesday
- 26Thursday
- 27FridayDecember P-Card Cycle EndsAll Day
- 28SaturdayJanuary P-Card Cycle BeginsAll Day
- 29Sunday
- 30Monday
- 31Tuesday
- 1Wednesday
- 2Thursday
- 3Friday
- 4Saturday
January 2025
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- 1Wednesday
- 2Thursday
- 3Friday
- 4Saturday
- 5Sunday
- 6Monday
- 7Tuesday
- 8Wednesday
- 9Thursday
- 10FridayDecember P-Card Sign-off approvals and statements dueAll Day
- 11Saturday
- 12Sunday
- 13Monday
- 14Tuesday
- 15Wednesday
- 16Thursday
- 17FridayBudget: Second Quarter Department ReallocationAll Day
- 18Saturday
- 19Sunday
- 20Monday
- 21TuesdayTravel Drop-in Session2:00pm
- 22Wednesday
- 23Thursday
- 24Friday
- 25Saturday
- 26Sunday
- 27MondayJanuary P-Card Cycle EndsAll Day
- 28TuesdayFebruary P-Card Cycle BeginsAll Day
- 29Wednesday
- 30Thursday
- 31FridayRe-Allocations in WORKS for January Cycle (12/28/2024 to 1/27/2025) dueAll Day
- 1Saturday
February 2025
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- 1Saturday
- 2Sunday
- 3Monday
- 4Tuesday
- 5Wednesday
- 6Thursday
- 7Friday
- 8Saturday
- 9Sunday
- 10MondayJanuary P-Card Sign-off approvals and statements dueAll Day
- 11Tuesday
- 12Wednesday
- 13Thursday
- 14Friday
- 15Saturday
- 16Sunday
- 17Monday
- 18TuesdayYear-End Deadline: Requisitions $250,000 or moreAll DayePro New User Training for Requesters: February 18, 202510:00am...Travel Drop-in Session2:00pm
- 19Wednesday
- 20Thursday
- 21Friday
- 22Saturday
- 23Sunday
- 24Monday
- 25TuesdayFY 2025 Deadline for new vehicle requests.All Day
- 26Wednesday
- 27ThursdayFebruary P-Card Cycle EndsAll Day
- 28FridayRe-Allocations in WORKS for February Cycle (1/28/2025 to 2/27/2025) dueAll DayMarch P-Card Cycle BeginsAll Day
- 1Saturday
March 2025
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- 1Saturday
- 2Sunday
- 3Monday
- 4Tuesday
- 5Wednesday
- 6Thursday
- 7Friday
- 8Saturday
- 9Sunday
- 10MondayFebruary P-Card Sign-off approvals and statements dueAll Day
- 11Tuesday
- 12Wednesday
- 13Thursday
- 14Friday
- 15Saturday
- 16Sunday
- 17Monday
- 18TuesdayePro New User Training for Requesters: March 18, 20252:00pmTravel Drop-in Session2:00pm
- 19Wednesday
- 20Thursday
- 21FridayFY 2025 Third Quarter Budget Amendment dueAll DayYear-End Deadline: Permanent Budget AmendmentsAll Day
- 22Saturday
- 23Sunday
- 24Monday
- 25Tuesday
- 26Wednesday
- 27ThursdayMarch P-Card Cycle EndsAll Day
- 28FridayApril P-Card Cycle BeginsAll Day
- 29Saturday
- 30Sunday
- 31MondayRe-Allocations in WORKS for March Cycle (2/28/2025 to 3/27/2025) dueAll Day
- 1Tuesday
- 2Wednesday
- 3Thursday
- 4Friday
- 5Saturday
April 2025
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- 1TuesdayYear-End Deadline: One-Time Funding Requisitions - $25,000 or MoreAll DayYear-End Deadline: Requisitions $25,000 to $99,999.99All Day...AI Fair, Apr. 1–310:00am
- 2WednesdayAI Fair, Apr. 1–38:00am
- 3ThursdayAI Fair, Apr. 1–38:00am
- 4Friday
- 5Saturday
- 6Sunday
- 7Monday
- 8TuesdayBudget Education Sessions 20110:00am
- 9Wednesday
- 10ThursdayMarch P-Card Sign-off approvals and statements dueAll Day
- 11FridayBudget: Third Quarter Department ReallocationAll Day
- 12Saturday
- 13Sunday
- 14Monday
- 15TuesdayTravel Drop-in Session2:00pm
- 16WednesdayePro New User Training for Requesters: April 16, 20252:00pm
- 17Thursday
- 18Friday
- 19Saturday
- 20Sunday
- 21Monday
- 22Tuesday
- 23Wednesday
- 24Thursday
- 25FridayApril P-Card Cycle EndsAll Day
- 26SaturdayMay P-Card Cycle BeginsAll Day
- 27Sunday
- 28Monday
- 29TuesdayAccounts Payable: Invoices Dated 4/25/25 and Prior DueAll DayYear-End Deadline: Travel Requests (End date through 6/13/25)All Day
- 30WednesdayRe-Allocations in WORKS for April Cycle (3/28/2025 to 4/25/2025) dueAll Day
- 1Thursday
- 2Friday
- 3Saturday
May 2025
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- 1ThursdayVendor Registration: FY 25 Forms dueAll DayYear-End Deadline: One-Time Funding Request SubmissionsAll Day...Year-End Deadline: Requisitions $24,999.99 or lessAll Day
- 2Friday
- 3Saturday
- 4Sunday
- 5Monday
- 6Tuesday
- 7Wednesday
- 8Thursday
- 9FridayApril P-Card Sign-off approvals and statements dueAll Day
- 10Saturday
- 11Sunday
- 12Monday
- 13Tuesday
- 14Wednesday
- 15Thursday
- 16FridayContracts: Last day to submit FY 25 ContractsAll Day
- 17Saturday
- 18Sunday
- 19Monday
- 20TuesdayePro New User Training for Requesters: May 20, 20252:00pmTravel Drop-in Session2:00pm
- 21Wednesday
- 22Thursday
- 23Friday
- 24Saturday
- 25Sunday
- 26Monday
- 27TuesdayMay P-Card Cycle EndsAll Day
- 28WednesdayJune P-Card Cycle BeginsAll Day
- 29Thursday
- 30Friday
- 31SaturdayRe-Allocations in WORKS for May Cycle (4/26/2025 to 5/27/2025) dueAll Day
June 2025
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- 1Sunday
- 2MondayP-Card: May 2025 TransactionsAll Day
- 3TuesdayYear-End Deadline: Final Day for Marketplace OrdersAll DayAccounts Payable: Payment Requests and Invoices dated through 5/31/25 Due4:00pm...Year-End Deadline: Travel Expense Reports (5/31/25 or Prior)4:00pm
- 4Wednesday
- 5Thursday
- 6FridayFY 25 P-Card Recommended Cease Usage Date4:00pm
- 7Saturday
- 8Sunday
- 9Monday
- 10TuesdayMay P-Card Sign-off approvals and statements dueAll DayYear-End Deadline: May 2025 P-Card Statements Due4:00pm
- 11Wednesday
- 12Thursday
- 13FridayCopy of Year-End Deadline: One-Time Funding RequisitionsAll DayYear-End Deadline: Travel Expense Reports (6/02/25 - 06/13/25)2:00pm...Accounts Payable: Voucher Corrections/Adjustment Forms Due2:00pmAccounts Payable: Payment Requests and Invoices dated through 6/13/25 Due2:00pmFY 2025 Last day to submit 4th Quarter Budget Amendments5:00pmYear-End Deadline: One-Time Funding Requisitions5:00pm
- 14Saturday
- 15Sunday
- 16MondayBudget: End of Year Clean Up Reallocation E&G5:00pm
- 17Tuesday
- 18Wednesday
- 19Thursday
- 20FridayYear-End Deadline: Blanket POs will be closed5:00pm
- 21Saturday
- 22Sunday
- 23MondayAccounts Payable and Travel: Hotlines will be Closed 6/23/25 – 6/30/258:00amVendor Registration: FY 25 4300B Forms Due5:00pm
- 24TuesdayAccounts Payable and Travel: Hotlines will be Closed 6/23/25 – 6/30/25All Day
- 25WednesdayAccounts Payable and Travel: Hotlines will be Closed 6/23/25 – 6/30/25All Day
- 26ThursdayAccounts Payable and Travel: Hotlines will be Closed 6/23/25 – 6/30/25All DayBursar: Banner Shut Down5:00pm
- 27FridayAccounts Payable and Travel: Hotlines will be Closed 6/23/25 – 6/30/25All DayJune P-Card Cycle EndsAll Day...P-Card: June 2025 Transactions11:00amYear-End Deadline: Travel Expense Reports (6/14/25 - 6/25/25)4:00pmAccounts Payable: Payment Requests and Invoices dated through 6/27/25 Due4:00pm
- 28SaturdayJuly P-Card Cycle BeginsAll DayAccounts Payable and Travel: Hotlines will be Closed 6/23/25 – 6/30/25All Day
- 29SundayAccounts Payable and Travel: Hotlines will be Closed 6/23/25 – 6/30/25All Day
- 30MondayAccounts Payable and Travel: Hotlines will be Closed 6/23/25 – 6/30/25All Day
- 1Tuesday
- 2Wednesday
- 3Thursday
- 4Friday
- 5Saturday
July 2025
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- 1TuesdayRe-Allocations in WORKS for July Cycle (6/28/2025 to 6/30/2025) dueAll DayP-Card: Transactions SweepAll Day
- 2Wednesday
- 3Thursday
- 4Friday
- 5Saturday
- 6Sunday
- 7MondayePro Entry Re-establishedAll DayYear-End Deadline: Closing Journal Entries4:00pm
- 8Tuesday
- 9Wednesday
- 10ThursdayYear-End Deadline: June 2025 P-Card Statements Due4:00pm
- 11Friday
- 12Saturday
- 13Sunday
- 14Monday
- 15Tuesday
- 16Wednesday
- 17Thursday
- 18FridayFY 2025 Fourth Quarter Budget Amendment due4:00pm
- 19Saturday
- 20Sunday
- 21Monday
- 22Tuesday
- 23Wednesday
- 24Thursday
- 25Friday
- 26Saturday
- 27Sunday
- 28Monday
- 29Tuesday
- 30Wednesday
- 31Thursday
- 1Friday
- 2Saturday
Documents and Links Referenced in This Section
- Attorney General's website
- Buyer Partner Listing (requires KSU login to access)
- Catering Request form
- Checking the status of a requisition
- Clearing Browser Cache
- Compliance Food Approval website
- Concur User Profile Action Form
- Contract Management System
- Contract Submission Form
- Current Stationery Pricing
- Current University Contracts
- Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) Exempt Items List
- Department of Administrative Services Fleet Management Division
- DHS E-Verify website
- Environmental Health and Safety Department website
- E-Verify Affidavit
- E-Verify FAQs
- E-Verify FAQs website
- Food Documentation Form
- Georgia Procurement Manual (GPM)
- Georgia Technology Authority (GTA) website
- How to Access GeorgiaFIRST Marketplace
- How to Create a GeorgiaFIRST Marketplace Requisition
- How to Create an ePro Special Request Requisition
- Independent Contractor vs. Employee Checklist
- KSU Charter Services Policy website
- KSU Policy Portal
- KSU’s Visual Identity Program website
- More Business Solutions ordering portal
- PeopleSoft Access Form (requires access to KSU Connect)
- Printing Services vs. Promotional Services Overview Guide
- SSN/ITIN Procedures
- Statewide Purchase Order Policy
- Statewide Purchase Orders Policy
- Stationery Quick Start Guide
- Steps to Hire a Temporary Worker
- Team Georgia Marketplace
- Technology Purchases website
- Temporary Staffing Statewide Contracts
- Travel FAQs - Lecturers and Performers
- UITS - Other Technology Request Forms
How Do I Buy ...
Goods & Services
University Contracts that have already been bid and awarded by the Office of Procurement for services that are routinely needed for the University’s operation can also be utilized by any department. Departments may also utilize contracts that have been bid and awarded by DOAS (Statewide Contracts) for specific services. Orders placed using University Contracts and Statewide Contracts are not subject to dollar limits. The Office of Procurement can assist departments with determining whether University Contracts or Statewide Contracts are available resources for securing the service(s) needed. Please note that if a Contract is required by the Supplier in order to perform the service, then the Contracts Office must review and approve the proposed contract. If the desired service is being procured from a University Contract, a Board of Regents, or Statewide Contract, then additional review from the Contracts Office is not needed, unless customizations and/or modifications to the contracted service is required to successfully accomplish what is required for the University. A Contract Submission Form must be completed online prior to signing any contract.
NOTE: A Purchase Order is a contract, and a Terms and Conditions document is provided with each purchase order that is sent to a supplier. When suppliers accept a purchase order, they are in effect accepting the University’s offer to purchase services and goods under the terms and conditions outlined therein, unless a separate contract is negotiated and executed by both parties and incorporated as part of the purchase order contract.
It is important to involve the Office of Procurement early in the purchasing process to ensure that all requirements are addressed prior to the performance of services, as well as ensuring that the requesting department does not experience delay in delivery of the services needed.
Per the State Accounting Office (SAO) Statewide Purchase Order Policy, all purchases $2,500 or more require the use of a Purchase Order (PO). All purchases involving services totaling $2,500 or more requires a completed and notarized E-Verify Affidavit.
Generally, purchases up to $9,999.99 can be done by a college or department using the GeorgiaFIRST Marketplace or by submitting an ePro Special Request to obtain a purchase order for the item(s) needed.
Purchases for $10,000 up to $24,999.99 must be procured by securing competitive quotes from at least three (3) suppliers. Once you have the three quotes, submit an ePro Special Request so that the Office of Procurement can create a Purchase Order prior to ordering the good(s) from the selected supplier.
Purchases over $25,000 must be competitively bid if the purchases are non-exempt and do not already fall under an existing University (Agency) or Statewide Contract.
Goods or services may also be ordered utilizing University contracts that may have already been bid and awarded by the Office of Procurement for that particular category of items needed.
You may also use contracts that have been bid and awarded by Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) Statewide Contracts, many of which are listed on the GeorgiaFIRST Marketplace. A complete list of State contracts can be found on the Team Georgia Marketplace. Please note that the User Name and Password are both “tgmguest" (all lowercase and without quotes).
Orders placed using University and Statewide contracts are not subject to any of the dollar limits mentioned above. Please contact or call 470-578-6214 if you would like further guidance on using University or State contracts.
Ink Cartridges & Office Supplies
Office supplies can be purchased from Staples through the GeorgiaFIRST Marketplace located in PeopleSoft. Department ePro Requesters can access the catalog via the eProcurement menu option in PeopleSoft.
To purchase ink cartridges from Staples, or other items that are listed as "Restricted" on the GA First Marketplace, please reach out to our Staples representative listed below either through the email address or phone number provided:
Live chat on
Call: 877-826-7755
Monday-Friday 8am – 8pm ETThe Staples representative will supply a quote for the items that you may either order via P-Card (if allowable) or through a Special Request Requisition.
Miscellaneous Items
A Food Documentation Form must be completed, signed and submitted with all food purchases by the business manager or another authorized individual in your department. The authorized approver in your department/college is required to sign the KSU Guidelines for Food Purchases on an annual basis.
Additional approval is requested for all employee group meals from prior to the date of the event to obtain authorization from the President.
All purchases paid with an agency fund or grant must have a written approval from the respective office prior to the food purchase.
FurnitureFurniture purchases can only be made from Statewide Convenience Contracts managed by the Department of Administrative Services (DOAS). For guidance in using the services of a manufacturer’s representative, please contact the Division of Facilities Services via email ( or by phone (470-578-6224).
Lab Supplies
Follow the procedures for purchasing “Goods.” There are with suppliers such as Fisher Scientific, VWR, and Carolina, which can be accessed through the GeorgiaFIRST Marketplace in the form of punch-out catalogs.
Please note that purchases involving toxic or radioactive materials must start with notification and approval from the KSU’s Environmental Health and Safety Department.
Certain laboratory supplies are exempt from procurement regulations. The Department of Administrative Services (DOAS) provides a list of exempt items. However, departments should contact the Office of Procurement to ensure that the desired purchase meets the intent of the exemption.
Printing & Promotional Services
Printing Services vs. Promotional Services OverviewThe Printing Services vs. Promotional Services Overview Guide provides an overview of the differences between promotional services and printing services. This guide also includes situations in which you may go off-contract to purchase printing or promotional items and what types of approvals are required for the type of purchase needed.
AdvertisingMost forms of advertising are exempt from DOAS purchasing requirements for competitive bidding, and departments may follow “How do I Buy Services” guidelines. In addition, printed materials that incorporate University logos, service marks, or other University-related design elements must comply with KSU’s Visual Identity Program.
To have the design/artwork pre-approved through the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing, email requests to prior to placing an order and/or making a purchase.
Advertising is a service; therefore, E-verify compliance is required. Additional E-Verify FAQs are located on Procurement’s E-Verify FAQs webpage. -
Business Cards/Letterhead/Stationery
Stationary may be purchased through our University contract with More Business Solutions. This is the only type of purchase that uses the University’s name or logo that does not require Design Approval.
There are two ways to order business cards and stationery for your department. The first, and easiest way, is to use a Purchasing Card (P-Card). The second way, if your department does not have a P-Card, is to use a Purchase Order.
The More Business Solutions ordering portal, along with the Stationery Quick Start Guide and current pricing documentation, can be found under the "Documents and Links Referenced in This Section" towards the top of this page.
Ordering Stationery Using a P-Card
To place an order using a P-Card, navigate to the More Business Solutions ordering portal. If you need to create an account, you can find the guide below. You will then create your order using the templates found on the portal, using the information for each person or department that you are ordering for. At the checkout screen, you will choose Credit Card and enter your P-Card information to complete the order.
Ordering Stationery Using a Purchase Order (PO)
You will need to create a Special Request requisition in order to be processed to a Purchase Order, which will then be used during the checkout portion in Step 2. When entering the Supplier ID, please use the following: 0000018027. Once a Purchase Order has been created from the requisition, continue to Step 2 to place your order.
Please note: the Office of Procurement does not order the stationery for your Department, but rather provides you with a Purchase Order number for you to place your order via the ordering portal.
After receiving the Purchase Order number, please proceed to the More Business Solutions ordering portal. At checkout, you will use the Purchase Order number in lieu of credit card number.
Printing Services
Generally, guidelines and procedures for other services apply to securing Printing Services. Please review the distinctions below.
Statewide Convenience Contracts
There are also resources made available by DOAS for obtaining printing Services through Statewide Convenience Contracts with:
- RR Donnelly (Offset Printing Services, SWC 99999-SPD-SPD0000096-0001)
- More Business Solutions (Rapid Copy & Digital Printing Services, SWC 99999-SPD-SPD0000108-0001)
- Georgia Correctional Industries (GCI) (SWC GCI-INTRGOVT)
When using these resources, purchasing limits do not apply and competitive bidding is not required.
To have the design/artwork pre-approved through the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing, email requests to prior to placing an order and/or making a purchasing.
Sales contact information for More Business Solutions is:
Eleanor Roath, Associate Vice President
5875 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Suite 260, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092
T: 770.565.7772
Sales contact information for RR Donnelly is:Omar Kinnebrew, Assistant Regional Sales Manager
1117 Perimeter Center West, Ste. N201, Atlanta, GA 30338
T: 770.352.8472
C: 404.822.3188
F: 440.352.8404
E: -
Talon Express - KSU Copy-Print Services
Talon Express is a mail center, print shop and retail outlet that offers a variety of services to students, faculty and staff including mail pick-up, full-service printing, copying, and shipping via USPS or UPS. It is located on the second level of the Carmichael Student Center, directly across from the Bursar’s Office.
To have the design/artwork pre-approved through the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing, email requests to prior to placing an order and/or making a purchasing.
Talon Express
UGA Print Shop
KSU departments may also continue to use the UGA Print Shop to provide expanded printing/copying services. The UGA Print Shop handles bulk mailing and is a resource for banners and some signs.
Departments may contact the UGA Print Shop directly to discuss needs and obtain a quote. Contact information for UGA’s University Printing is located at have the design/artwork pre-approved through the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing, email requests to prior to placing an order and/or making a purchasing.
General Information, Quotes and Questions please contact Laura Cropp, Printing Estimator, at:
T: 706.542.3861
F: 706.542.7200
E: printing@uga.eduMore complex questions and/or guidance may require contacting:
Jeff Allen, UGA Print Shop Assistant Manager
T: 706.542-7195
E: hjallen@uga.eduFor quotes and additional support in utilizing the UGA Print Shop, you may contact:
Promotional Item Types
The University has several contracts for Promotional Items. These contractors were selected by an evaluation team from different university offices/colleges. A list of these items, the contracted suppliers, and their contact information is available below.
Merchandise or printed materials that incorporate University logos, service marks, or other University-related design elements must comply with KSU’s Visual Identity Program. To have the design/artwork pre-approved through the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing, email requests to prior to placing an order and/or making a purchasing.
Please note that suppliers listed on the Licensed Vendor page of KSU's Visual Identity Program are licensed ONLY to use the logo and do not constitute an existing University Contract.
The suppliers listed below are the preferred source(s) for promotional products as they have been awarded through a State-mandated competitive procurement process. In compliance with KSU's Visual Identity Program, the suppliers listed are licensed through Learfield Licensing Partners. If these suppliers do not meet your promotional items needs, you may select another supplier, registered with Learfield Licensing Partners, once justification documentation is submitted indicating the following:
If the requester prefers to use an alternate source, the College University Procurement Officer (CUPO) or Director of Contract Management may waive the use of the University Contract based on one of the following conditions below:- The Buyer Partner demonstrates that the University Contractor will not lower their price to match or be within 10 percent of the pricing of the non-contracted vendor.
- The cost savings from the non-contracted supplier is 10 percent or more.
- The product or service is needed quickly and cannot be delivered by the University contractor at the time needed.
Promotional ItemsThe KSU Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing has developed guidelines for various KSU designs, logos and typefaces on the KSU Visual Identity Program website.Merchandise or printed materials that incorporate University logos, service marks, or other University-related design elements must comply with KSU’s Visual Identity Program. You should also request a review from the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing to alter existing approved brands or styles.
To obtain this approval, email your design ideas, concept and/or artwork to prior to placing an order and/or making a purchase. After review, the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing will reply to the requesting department, indicating that:- The design is approved for use;
- The design is approved with modifications; or
- The design is not approved.
Supplier Contact InformationHalo Branded Solutions, Inc.Contact: Dianne Helliwell PetersT: 770.321.4747Smiling Cross dba Smile PromotionsContact: Rula HananiaT: 812.219.9749F: 800.353.2608Club ColorsContact: Willis BreiT: 847.794.5496
Professional Services
Hiring a Caterer
Campus catering is managed in-house by Dining Services in the Office of Auxiliary Services and Programs. Any exceptions to using campus catering must be approved by Dining Services.
To begin planning your event, please complete the Catering Request form, email, or call 470-578-7715. -
Hiring a Consultant/Independent Contractor
Hiring Consultants/Independent Contractors follow similar requirements as outlined in “How do I Buy Services.” In addition, Human Resources approval is required to determine whether the individual is a current or past employee of the University System of Georgia, and if that’s the case, whether you can proceed with the hiring.
The Office of Legal Affairs should be contacted for assistance with contract development for the consultant/independent contractor that you need to hire only if modifications need to be made to the Independent Contractor Agreement template.
Employee vs. Independent Contractor
Federal and state tax and labor laws require Kennesaw State University (KSU) to ensure that individuals who provide services are properly classified as an employee or an independent contractor. Proper classification of an individual will determine Kennesaw State University’s tax withholding and reporting obligations.
To assist in proper classification, please use the Independent Contractor vs. Employee Checklist.
Individuals who perform services for KSU are presumed to be employees unless the relationship, supported by documentation, satisfies the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and state law standards for an independent contractor status. Individuals who receive a Form W-2 from KSU should be paid as an employee for all services provided and typically should not also receive a Form 1099 from KSU.
KSU’s Office of Procurement works collaboratively with the Office of Compliance, Division of Legal Affairs, and Department of Human Resources to determine the classification categories of payments to individuals.
Please see the University's Consulting Services Policy for more information.
Classification of an Employee
An employee is a person hired through Kennesaw State University’s Department of Human Resources and paid via Payroll. KSU controls and directs this person's activities, both in terms of what must be done and how it must be done. An employee may be classified as a permanent full-time employee, part-time employee or as a temporary employee. Generally, employees will always be paid through the payroll system even if the duties they perform are unrelated to their primary role.
Some Examples of Characteristics of an Employee
- Performs duties dictated or controlled by others
- Is given training for work to be done
- Teaches a course from which students may receive academic credit
- Performs trade type duties, e.g., clerical, janitorial, grounds keeping services, lab technicians.
Please note that when KSU engages a temporary agency to provide trade type services, the agency, and not the individual, will be considered an independent contractor.
Classification of an Independent Contractor
An independent contractor (also referred to as contractor, consultant, freelancer, etc.) may be an individual or sole proprietor that renders services to the general public. An independent contractor is responsible for the means and methods for completing a task based on specifications in a contract with KSU. An independent contractor generally has multiple clients, maintains a separate workplace, is not supervised or controlled by a KSU employee, and does not receive KSU benefits.
Examples of characteristics of an independent contractor:
- Operates under a business name
- May have his/her own employees
- Maintains a separate business bank account
- Advertises his/her business services
- Invoices for work completed
- Has own tools and sets own hours
- Keeps business records
Classification of Non-US Tax Resident Individuals
Individuals who are not U.S. citizens or permanent legal residents (green card holders) may be subject to a variety of restrictions on employment or independent contractor services. All non-employee service providers who perform a service on U.S. soil must initiate a GLACIER tax compliance record, including a review of immigration documentation, prior to initiation of a requisition, an invitation, a service agreement, or verbal commitment to make payment. Please contact or submit a ServiceNow request via for additional guidance.
Kennesaw State University Policies and Procedures
What is the Consequence of Misclassification?
Misclassification of an individual as an independent contractor may have a number of costly legal and financial consequences for the University. Consequently, it is essential that proper characterization of an individual be determined before any agreements, contracts (oral or written) or payments are made. The fundamental difference between an employee and independent contractor from a tax point of view is that an employer withholds employment taxes, and pays FICA taxes on its employees.
If an independent contractor is discovered to meet the legal definition of an employee, the University may be liable for:
- Wages that should have been paid to them under the Fair Labor Standards Act, including overtime and minimum wage
- Back taxes and penalties for federal and state income taxes, Social Security, Medicare and unemployment
- Any misclassified injured employee's workers' compensation benefits
- Employee benefits, including holiday pay, health insurance, retirement, etc.
Hiring a Doctor, Lawyer or Other Professional
Licensed professions are exempt from the State’s competitive bidding requirements. Licensed professions include architects; counselors/social workers; surveyors; nurses; real estate appraisers; engineers; accountants (CPA’s); attorneys.
E-verify Affidavits are not required for service contracts entered into with licensed professional contractors/sub-contractors. However, contract requirements as outlined in “How do I Buy Services” do apply. Contact the Office of Procurement for additional guidance for procuring services in this area. -
Hiring a Lecturer
Speakers and lecturers are exempt from State purchasing guidelines for competitive bidding (Exempt NIGP Code 91838). HR approval is required and E-verify compliance (Affidavit or Driver’s License) applies if service provided is equal to or greater than $2,500.00.
The Lecturer Agreement form and additional travel expense rider, if needed, can be found on the Contract Management System by clicking on "View My Templates" on the bottom left side of the homepage.
A list of FAQs regarding travel for Lecturers and Performers can be found on Travel's website.
Hiring a Skilled Practitioner
Licensed professions are exempt from the State’s competitive bidding requirements. Licensed professions include, but are not limited to:
- Accountants & CPA’s (Exempt Code 946);
- Architects (Exempt Codes 906 & 907);
- Attorneys (Exempt Code 918);
- Counselors (Exempt Code 952);
- Engineers (Exempt Code 925);
- Nurses (Exempt Code 948);
- Real estate appraisers (Exempt Code 946);
- Surveyors (Exempt Code 925)
E-verify Affidavits are not required for service contracts entered into with licensed professional contractors/sub-contractors. However, contract requirements as outlined in “How do I Buy Services” do apply.
Hiring a Temp
Departments should contact Human Resources before attempting to hire a temporary employee. HR approval is required to determine whether the individual is a current or past employee of the University System of Georgia; and if that is the case, whether you can proceed with the hiring. After consultation with HR, you may post a requisition for a temporary position through OneUSG or use one of the statewide contracts for non-licensed professions or support staff.
If you would like to hire a temporary person directly, meaning they will be on payroll, please contact Human Resources.
What if my purchase order is not enough to cover the original request? Submit an ePro Special Request to add additional funds to the existing purchase order.
Can a temporary employee supervise permanent full-time staff? Please contact Human Resources.
If KSU is closed for a paid holiday, do I still pay my temporary employee? No, temporary personnel only get paid for the hours they actually work. You will need to verify and approve the temporary employee's time.
What if the temporary employee is not working out for our department and we no longer want that person? Call the temporary agency and let them know the situation. You can either have that temporary employee replaced with another temporary employee from that agency or try one of the other temporary agencies from the mandatory statewide contract.
What if we really like the temporary employee and want to hire them as permanent staff? Each temporary agency has schedules and sliding scale payment ranges for placement fees. First, ensure your department has the budget for the position. Second, check with Human Resources to see if the Critical Hire status is still in effect and what needs to be done for the next steps. Third, contact the temporary agency for any potential buyout requirements, and if required, obtain a quote, in order to permanently hire the temporary employee.
Technology Purchases
GSA Schedule 70 - General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment, Software, and Services
These contracts may be used by the University under the Cooperative Purchasing guidelines authorized by the Department of Administrative Services – State Purchasing Division. One of the requirements for use of these contracts is the posting of a public notice on the Georgia Procurement Registry for five to fifteen days depending on the dollar amount - see Georgia Procurement Manual (GPM) Section Consortia or Cooperative Purchasing. Contracts with the COOP PURC icon indicate that authorized state and local government entities may procure from that contract. You may view a list of the contract types at the following link:
Purchasing a Computer
Please visit the Technology Purchases website, click on the "Computers, Servers and Peripherals" link, complete the form and choose "Submit" to obtain UITS approval for the purchase.
Once you receive UITS’s approval, create an ePro Special Request with the quote attached. Once the request is fully approved through the ePro workflow, a Buyer in Procurement will issue a purchase order and notify you when the purchase order is sent to the supplier.
Purchasing Cell Phone Service
KSU cellular phones and services can be requested through UITS. The completed form requires signatures from the employee, the department head, and the Chair/AVP prior to submission to the office of the CIO for final approval. Currently there are accounts and service with AT&T, Verizon and other suppliers. A complete list of cell phone suppliers is available from the Georgia Technology Authority (GTA) website.
Purchasing a Printer
To purchase desktop printers and desktop multifunction devices, please visit the Technology Purchases website, click on the “Computers, Servers and Peripherals” link, complete the form and choose “Submit” to obtain UITS approval for the purchase.
Once the department receives UITS’s approval, and sometimes a quote for the requested equipment is provided by UITS if needed, an ePro Special Request is submitted by the Requester for the Buyer in the Office of Procurement to create a purchase order. You will then be notified that the purchase order was sent to the supplier/seller.
Purchasing a Projector
To purchase cameras, projectors, microphones, camcorders rental equipment for events or specialized recordings, and out-sourcing of production for videos and interactive media, go to the Technology Purchases website and click on the “Audio/Visual Rentals, Purchases, and Related Services” link. Fill out the form and choose “Submit” to obtain UITS approval for the purchase.
Once you receive UITS’s approval and a quote provided by UITS (if needed), create an ePro Special Request. After the requisition goes through the approval workflow, a Buyer in Procurement will issue a purchase order and notify you that the order is complete.
Purchasing Software, Web Hosting or Web Applications
Please visit the Technology Purchases website, click on the “Software and Related Services Purchases” link, complete the form and choose “Submit” to obtain UITS approval for the purchase. Procurement processing time will depend on the dollar value. If the item or service is less than $25,000 but more than $10,000, three quotes should be attached to the ePro Special Request.
- If the cost is greater than $25,000 but less than $250,000, an eQuote or Request for Proposal may be required and could take up to sixteen weeks. Technology purchases over $250,000 require special additional approval and require more time for approval. Please allow for at least 4 weeks for the additional approval.
Please note that if a contract is required by the supplier (seller) in order to purchase the software, web hosting, or web application, then the Contracts Office must review and approve the proposed contract. In order for the Contracts Office to review the contract, please complete the Contract Submission Form.
If the desired product/service is being procured from a University, Board of Regents, or Statewide contract, then additional review from the Contracts Office is not needed, unless customizations and/or modifications to the product/service is required for successful use by the University.
If use of the software or application requires the Seller to provides service such as maintenance, product development, offsite hosting, etc.), and the cost is $2,500 or more, then E-verify compliance is required.
Travel & Charter Services
Booking a Flight
KSU Travel policy requires employees to use the Concur online tools for travel requests, travel cash advance requests, travel bookings (airline, hotels, and car rentals), and travel expense reports. To begin using Concur, please complete the Concur User Profile Action Form, which is located on the Travel website. The form should be completed and emailed to the KSU Travel Administrator at
Buying a Vehicle
In order to purchase a motor vehicle, you must first consult with the KSU Fleet Manager in the KSU Office of Facilities Planning and Design, then draft a justification letter for the signature of the Chief Business Office for prior written approval of DOAS’s Fleet Management Division is required. Approval is required even if an existing statewide contract is being utilized to acquire the vehicle. Contact Fleet Management Division online or email
Renting a Vehicle
Enterprise Leasing Company of GA LLC and The Hertz Corporation are the suppliers for in-state car rentals under MANDATORY Statewide Contract number’s 99999-SPD-ES40199376IS-02 and 99999-SPD-ES40199376IS-01, respectively.
The Hertz Corporation is the MANDATORY supplier for all airport rentals at Georgia, national and international airports under Statewide Contract number 99999-SPD-ES40199376CR-01.
Kennesaw State University and the State implemented online booking (TTE), also known as Concur, for booking airfare, hotel and rental car reservations. Concur may be accessed via the following link: To obtain initial access to Concur, please contact the Travel Team at or contact the Travel Hotline at (470) 578-4394.
Approved car rental sizes are Compact, Intermediate or Full Size. Other vehicle sizes require a business-related justification. Vans may be rented when there are more than four (4) travelers. -
Chartering a Bus
AutoMax Rent-A-Car is under contract with the State for charter bus service (SWC #99999-SPD-ES40199376BS-01). Reservations for 15 Passenger Buses and other bus types can be made on-line by:
- Logging on to
- Fill out the request for quote.
- You will need your driver’s license and state employee identification card to rent a vehicle.
- Reservations can be made by calling Bus Max at one of the three locations: Cartersville – (770) 607-7000; Norcross – (770) Bus-Rent; Rome – (706) 291-0600
KSU Departments and Student Organizations may also charter bus service (up to 35 passengers within a 50-mile radius) through the Department of Parking and Transportation with the Big Owl Bus (B.O.B.) for special events, field trips, conferences, etc.
Please visit the KSU Charter Services Policy website for more information.
Words and Terms to Know When Purchasing a Good or Service
Convenience Statewide Contracts
State entities may, but are not required to, use a convenience statewide contract. They offer several benefits in terms of saving time and ensuring compliance with procurement rules, as pricing and contract terms have already been finalized, and are not limited by dollar amount.
Mandatory Statewide Contracts
State entities are required to use mandatory statewide contracts, unless a written waiver is granted by the State Purchasing Division (SPD). Similar to Convenience Statewide Contracts, Mandatory Statewide Contracts are not limited by dollar amount.
Exempt Purchases
Exempt Purchases are either exempt from the State Purchasing Act or represent goods for which SPD has waived the competitive bidding requirements. The fact that a purchase may be exempt is not a representation that the purchase may not need to be competitively bid.
Marketplace Catalog
This is a list of items that have been competitively bid by the State and are contractually sourced. These items appear on the GeorgiaFIRST Marketplace in ePro and are not limited by dollar amount.
Punch-Out Supplier
These are Suppliers on the GeorgiaFIRST Marketplace that allow the Requester to search and select products from that supplier’s web catalog (i.e., Dell’s Government Catalog) by navigating directly to the Punch-Out Supplier's website. The Requester then returns the items to the GeorgiaFIRST Marketplace shopping cart. Punch-Out catalogs still maintain items and pricing specific to the University System of Georgia.
E-Verify Contractor Requirements
Georgia law, O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91, requires all businesses that contract with a public employer for labor or services by bid or by contract in which the labor or services exceed $2,499.99 to sign an affidavit attesting that they are registered for and use E-Verify unless
- the contractor has no employees (in which case they must present an approved state issued identification card/drivers’ license from an approved state as provided on the Attorney General’s website) or,
- the contract is with an individual licensed under Title 26, Title 43, or the State Bar of Georgia who is in good standing and that individual is performing that service.
Anyone your business subcontracts with for labor and services, as well as the subcontractors of your subcontractors, in furtherance of that contract is also subject to this requirement.
E-Verify Private Employer Requirements
Georgia law, O.C.G.A. § 36-60-6, requires all businesses, with more than 10 employees that are seeking an occupation tax certificate/business license or other document required to operate a business with a county or city to sign an affidavit attesting that they are registered for and use E-Verify. Businesses with 10 or fewer employees are required to sign an affidavit attesting that they are exempt from this requirement.
Once a business has provided this affidavit to the county, all subsequent renewals can be provided with the submission of the E-Verify number, as long as it is the same number as provided on the affidavit, or assertion that your business is exempt. The county will provide the format in which renewal information is collected.
What Is E-Verify?
E-Verify is a federal Web-based system that electronically verifies the employment eligibility of newly hired employees. It works by allowing participating employers to electronically compare employee information taken from the I-9 Form (the paper-based employee eligibility verification form used for all new hires) against records in the Social Security Administration's database and the records in the Department of Homeland Security immigration databases.
Where Do I Find My E-Verify Number?
The Human Resources Department for your business should have that information, if you have registered. The E-Verify number, which consists of four to six numerical characters, is located directly below the E-Verify logo on the first page of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) entered into between your business and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to use E-Verify.
What if I cannot locate or do not have access to my MOU?
If the HR director/program administrator for E-Verify from your business has taken the E-Verify tutorial, you may obtain your company ID number by:
- Logging in to E-Verify with your assigned user ID and password;
- From 'My Company,' select 'Edit Company Profile;'
- The Company Information page will display the company ID number.
If your HR director/ program administrator has not completed the tutorial, you must contact E-Verify Customer Support at 888-464-4218 or at for assistance.
Is the Federal Tax Identification Number/Employer Identification Number (EIN) the same as the E-Verify Number?
No. While you will be required to provide the Federal Tax Identification Number/EIN for your business to DHS in order to register for E-Verify, a separate number, which consists of four to six numerical characters, will be provided as the E- Verify number for your business by DHS, which will be located on the MOU.
How Do I Register for E-Verify?
To register for E-Verify, please visit the DHS website. If you need assistance in completing the registration process or need additional information relating to E-Verify, call their customer service number at 1-888-464-4218, email them at or visit their website.
What is the definition of a service?
Clarification from DOAS’s State Purchasing Division (SPD) and the AG’s Office has been sought. However, in general, the advice provided by DOAS SPD is to “err on the side of caution and obtain the affidavit.” For the purposes of determining whether or not something is a good or a service, use this rule as a simple distinction: a good is tangible and a service is intangible. If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact or call (470)578-6214.
Do I need to get the eVerify affidavit, or will Procurement and Contracting obtain it?
The Office of Procurement and Contracting will obtain all required affidavits from vendors that are issued PO's in PeopleSoft. However, to expedite the processing of a requisition, end-users may obtain the affidavits on their own and attach it to their requisition.
Do I need to get an eVerify affidavit for P-Card purchases?
Yes, eVerify rules apply to ALL purchases that meet the criteria listed in question number one above.
If my purchase requirement for services is an exempt commodity (meaning that it is exempt from bidding requirements), is my purchase exempt from eVerify requirements?
No. eVerify requirements are different from bidding requirements. eVerify affidavits are required for ALL purchases that meet the criteria listed above, even if they are considered an exempt commodity.
Where can I find the eVerify instructions and affidavit form?
The Security and Immigration Compliance Affidavit form and related instructions can be found towards the top of this page under "Documents and Links Referenced in This Section".
How do I know if KSU has a contract for a certain Supplier or a certain type of goods?You may reach out to Procurement either by ServiceNow,, or by phone, 470.578.6214
How long does a contract take to be awarded?The length of time for a contract to be awarded to a supplier varies depending on the complexity of the solicitation. We would ask that you allow at least eight weeks for RFQs and sixteen weeks for RFPs. Again, the more complex the RFQ or RFP is, the longer it can take.
I have an emergency on campus and the cost is expected to be over $25,000 ($50,000 for Public Works). Is there a way to expedite the process?Per DOAS rules, emergencies do not require the use of a competitive solicitation, but they do require notification to Procurement within 24 hours so that we may coordinate with DOAS to allow work to begin immediately. Please reach out to Procurement as soon as possible to avoid any violations of State rules.
List of Statewide Convenience and Mandatory Contracts
A complete list of State contracts can be found on the Team Georgia Marketplace. Please note that the User Name and Password are both “tgmguest" (all lowercase and without quotes), as shown below:
What is an E-Verify Affidavit and why is it needed?
Effective July 1, 2013, an E-Verify affidavit is required:
When a public employer makes a purchase that includes services or labor, and the total amount of a purchase exceeds $2,499.99.
What is the threshold for purchases made during the fiscal year that would require competitive bidding?
A competitive solicitation is required for any purchases $25,000 or more that are non-exempt and are not already on Statewide Contract. This does not include Public Works Contracts, which is anything $50,000 or more.
eProcurement (ePro)
Please view our job aid page for more instructions on creating, approving, and maintaining requisitions (errors, issues, and more).
- Accounting Date Error - Please contact your Buyer Partner or submit a ServiceNow request via to update the accounting date of the requisition you are trying to edit.
- Budget/Project Manager Setup Changes - Contact for changes to budget owners and project managers.
- Business Manager Setup Changes - Contact for changes to business managers.
- Can't Log In - If you are an approver and can no longer log in, you likely did not resubmit for PeopleSoft Access. This is done annually, please fill out the access form to gain access again.
- Clearing Browser Cache - Browser errors can often be cleared by clearing out the cache.
- Do I Need E-Verify? - Per the State Accounting Office (SAO) Statewide Purchase Orders Policy, all purchases $2,500 or more must be procured using a Purchase Order (PO). For purchases involving services $2,500 or more, an E-Verify Affidavit is required. For more information regarding E-Verify, please see the E-Verify FAQ page.
- Requisition Status - Instructions on how to look up the status of your requisition/purchase order.
- Update Default Ship To Location - Please submit a ServiceNow request via to ESS PeopleSoft requesting to update your Ship To Location.
Invoice Payment
For all invoices associated with a Purchase Order (PO), please submit the invoice via ServiceNow to and indicate the PO number that the invoice is being paid against. You do not need to submit a Payment Request to pay for an invoice that has a PO associated with it, as you will be encumbering funds twice.
For any invoices that do not have a PO associated with them, please submit a Payment Request if the purchase is not allowable on P-Card. A PO cannot be issued after the purchase has been made as this is an after-the-fact purchase.
Payment Request
For Payment Request inquiries and questions, please visit the Accounts Payable section of the Fiscal Services site.
What is a contract?A contract is any legally enforceable agreement whether or not it is titled “contract”. Contracts include, but are not limited to, letters of agreement, lecture or performance agreements, licenses, memoranda of understanding, and terms and conditions related to all types of transactions. All KSU contracts must be in writing.
Are KSU contracts binding?Any agreement may be a binding contract even though one party provides something of value to the other party at no charge. Therefore, the University may have an interest even though there is no financial transaction.
How should KSU’s name be listed on a contract?The correct legal name of KSU, which should appear on all of KSU’s contracts, is “Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia by and on behalf of Kennesaw State University”. The only exception to this rule is if you are a cooperative organization – such as the KSU Athletic Association, KSU Foundation, KSU Research and Service Foundation, etc.
How do I know who has signing authority for my contract?Please click here to determine signing authority.
Do all contracts have to be submitted through the Contract Compliance Office?
All proposed contracts must be submitted to the University’s Contract Compliance Office before they are signed. This applies to all contracts in which the University or a cooperative organization is the party, regardless of the funding source that will be used.
Exemptions to the review requirements of Contract Compliance can be found here.
What contract type should I choose on the submission form?
GoodsA contract between two or more parties agreeing on the sale of goods.
ServicesA contract between two or more parties agreeing to the performance of an express task or service.
Acceptance of DonationsA contract whereby a person, called the donor, irrevocably and gratuitously transfers immovable property to another person, called the donee, who accepts it.
Educational AffiliationA contract between the university and a facility where university departments want to send university students for course-related and graduate required off-campus fieldwork experience.
SponsorshipA legal document in which a person or entity agrees to support another party's events or activities. This sponsorship can refer to direct financial support or the provision of goods or services. Ideally, sponsorships are beneficial for all parties involved.
Real EstateA contract between parties for the purchase and sale, exchange, or other conveyance of real estate.
ConstructionThe document that sets a date and specifies which parties are going to participate in the construction process. Usually, the contract agreement is executed between the Owner of the project and the contractor or supplier that is providing the requested services and contains several sections of clauses defining the scope, terms, and conditions of such agreement.
TechnologyA contract between two or more parties agreeing on sales and/or service of information technology such as hardware, software, telecommunications, wireless systems, and electronics.
EventA fixed, short-term agreement with an individual or entity for entertainment proposes or for lectures that contribute to, or form a part of, the educational content of KSU courses and programs; please see Pre-Approved Contract Templates for more details.
EquipmentA contract between parties for the purchase and sale, exchange, or other conveyance of equipment such as vehicles, office equipment, factory machines, electric equipment, HVAC equipment.
Facility Use AgreementAn agreement executed between an institution and an entity granting access to institution’s facilities.
ConferenceA contract in which an entity agrees to attend or host a conference that may include registration, lodging, travel, meals, etc.
HotelA contract with any vendor that provides public lodging.
AthleticA contract that involves KSU’s Athletic Department, Club Sports, Sports Teams, Athletic Association and any outside vendor.
MembershipAn agreement between two or more entities agreeing to provide access to something of value, a benefit, or an experience for a nominal fee (monthly, quarterly, or annually).
Do I need to submit a routine purchase order for contract review?You do not need to submit a routine purchase order for contract review unless any of the terms and conditions are being modified.
Does the Contract Compliance Office need a copy of the fully executed contract?Yes, the Contract Compliance Office needs a copy of the fully executed contract for inclusion in the university’s repository.
Will I need to send my contract to any other department for review?No, if your contract needs to be reviewed by any other department, the Contract Compliance Office will forward it to the appropriate department(s).
Can I sign the contract before I have final approval from the Contract Compliance Office?No, you must wait until you have received the final approval of your contract from the Contract Compliance Office. Contracts signed without final approval may, if the University chooses not to honor the contract, result in personal liability for the person signing the contract.
How do I know if KSU has a contract for a certain Supplier or a certain type of goodsYou may contact the Office of Procurement either by email,, or by phone, 470.578.6214.
How long does a contract take to be awarded?The length of time for a contract to be awarded to a supplier varies depending on the complexity of the solicitation. We would ask that you allow at least eight weeks for RFQs and sixteen weeks for RFPs. Again, the more complex the RFx is, the longer it can take.
I have an emergency on campus and the cost is expected to be over $25,000 ($50,000 for Public Works). Is there a way to expedite the process?Per DOAS rules, emergencies do not require the use of a competitive solicitation, but they do require notification to the Office of Procurement within 24 hours so that we may coordinate with DOAS to allow work to begin immediately. Please reach out to The Office of Procurement as soon as possible to avoid any violations of State rules.
What is an E-Verify Affidavit and why is it needed?
An E-Verify affidavit is required:
- When a public employer makes a purchase that includes services or labor, and the total amount of a purchase exceeds $2,499.99.
- For more information on E-Verify, please click here.
How do I apply for a card?
Managers (Approving Officials) should request the P-Card for their staff member. Once notified, the P-Card Administrator will advise the staff person of the steps needed to obtain a card, which are listed below.
- The employee completes the P-Card Request and Change Form located in KSU Connect with the assistance of Job Aid PC1.
- The P-Card Administrator will ask Human Resources to run a credit check and background check. Note: HR will only advise the P-Card Administrator of Pass/Fail.
- The employee completes the P-Card training located OwlTrain and notifies the P-Card Administrator.
How do I sign up for training?
How long will it take to get my card?Please allow 7-10 business days. You will be notified by email the card arrives.
What do I do after I receive my card?Sign the back of the card, and call the number located on the card to activate it. When activating the card, please use the verification number and verification phone number listed on the sticker below the card. Always keep the card in a secure place. Although the card is issued in your name, it is the property of Kennesaw State University and must only be used for University purchases.
Who do I call if I have questions?You may contact the P-Card Specialist or P-Card Administrator with any questions that you may have regarding the P-Card Program.
My card is declined. What do I need to do?Email or call the P-Card Administrator. Provide supplier, charge amount, reason for charge, and date the charge was attempted.
Are packing slips required?Sometimes suppliers do not provide packing slips, or the items are shipped to a separate KSU location, so the cardholder does not have the packing slip. The cardholder can either sign the receipt and indicate that the items have been received, or they can provide a picture of the shipping label.
I am missing a receipt. What do I need to do?
The Cardholder is responsible for contacting the supplier for a copy of any missing invoices/receipts. If one cannot be obtained by contacting the supplier, the Missing Receipt Form may be prepared with the necessary information and signed by both the cardholder and supervisor/approving official. The Missing Receipt Form can be found by clicking this link.
As a matter of internal control, the Missing Receipt Form should only be used for a maximum of three (3) times a Fiscal Year.
I lost my wallet. What do I need to do to cancel my card?Notify Bank of America at (800) 822-5985 to report lost or stolen cards.
There are purchases on my statement that are not mine. What can I do?
It is the Cardholder’s responsibility to initiate action to resolve such issues. Any errors and/or issues should be handled directly with the supplier, not Bank of America; unless in cases of fraudulent activity/charges. If you are unable to resolve disputes with the supplier, you may contact Bank of America at (866) 500-8262 to dispute the transaction(s).
If the transactions are fraudulent, please notify Bank of America immediately at (866) 500-8262. -
Can I use my P-Card to make a purchase with Foundation funds?
Yes, transactions made with institutional funds for institutional purposes can be reimbursed by grant/gift funds from the Foundation without violating O.C.G.A §50-5-83 or the State P-Card Policy.
If I move to a different department on campus, can I take my card with me?Yes, if your new position is to backfill a vacant card, the card may transfer with you. The P-Card Administrator must be notified of this change and all changes affecting the cardholder.
Can I let someone else use my card?No, sharing card number or card information for use is not allowable. Transactions should be processed by the Cardholder only, as cards are not issued to a department or College.
Can I put fuel on my card?No, fuel is not considered an acceptable purchase. Fuel cards are issued by the Facilities department for this purpose.
I need to increase my credit limit. What do I need to do?
For credit limit increases, you must complete the DOAS Special Approval Request Form and provide supporting documentation for all current and future purchases for the present cycle.
On the form, please provide the business purpose in the justification field.
I need to increase my single transaction limit. What do I need to do?
For single transaction limit increases, you must complete the DOAS Special Approval Request Form and a shopping cart, quote, or invoice for the items that will be purchased.
The documentation provided must contain the name of the supplier. On the form, please provide the business purpose in the justification field.
My card has been closed due to fraud. What happens next?If Bank of America has closed your account due to fraud, a new card will be issued and mailed to the P-Card Administrator. You will be notified once the card is ready for pickup.
My card is due to expire soon. What do I do?
Bank of America sends your renewal card in the mail, typically 1 month prior to expiration to the P-Card Administrator. At the receipt of the card, the P-Card Administrator will notify you that a new credit check is needed, along with a renewal form.
Both the renewal form, clearance from HR on the credit check, and a new P-Card agreement are needed to proceed with the renewal. You will then be notified that the new card is ready for pickup.
How do I print my statement?Job Aid PC3, Processing the Monthly Statement Detail Report in Works, has been created to assist with printing the statement report.
I am not able to pick up my card. Can I send someone else?Due to security reasons, only the cardholder is allowed to pick up cards.
Can I make a purchase using PayPal?Yes, cardholders should create an account that reflects their departments “billing and ship to” information. Also, upload a copy of the University's tax exemption form.
Can I put (______) on the card?
The following is a list of items that can NOT be purchased on the card. If you have any questions whether an item can be purchased on the P-card, please call our office before you charge the card.
Alcoholic Beverages / Drugs / TobaccoIncluding prescriptions, OTCs (over-the-counter medicines), and First Aid Kits that contain over-the-counter medicines.
AnimalsException allows for these type purchases within the College of Science and Math specifically intended for use in classroom, lab and/or instructional/research settings.
AssetsAny tangible item that is valued at $3,000 or above per item. The total amount of the purchase includes shipping/freight fees and installation fees and is not limited to equipment, IT/AV hardware, fixtures/signs, and furniture.
Awards/Recognition (Employees)Seek alternative funding source (i.e.: employee donations or collections, Foundation, etc.)
Awards/Recognition (Student/Non-employee)
Car/Van RentalsCar/van rentals must be secured using the Mandatory Statewide Contract and direct billed to the University, regardless of the use of the rental including use for student activities. This includes all expenses related to car/van rentals.
Cash AdvancesIncluding those received through teller machines, banks, or as “cash back” at the time of transaction.
Chamber of Commerce Memberships/Dues
Conference Meals and Events - EmployeesUnless all-inclusive (not a separate selection) with the registration fees.
Data Plans, Software or Applications (apps) for Non-State Entity issued devicesIncluding personal smart phones, laptops, computers, and tablets, even if utilized for University business.
DecorationsIncluding holiday and special event decorations for offices or employee work areas
Employee TravelIncluding airfare, lodging, car rentals, airport shuttles, taxis, meals, special events, entertainment, parking, and other travel-related incidentals. See Concur TMS -
Entertainment ExpensesException for officially sanctioned Student Activities/Events
Flowers/PlantsException for artificial flowers/plants for common and/or reception areas
Food Services/Orders – EmployeesNo exceptions
FuelIncluding fuel for University/State-owned vehicles and Rental vehicles
Gift CardsIncluding for students and/or non-employees
Greeting CardsIncluding cards expressing holiday wishes, sympathy, birthday, wedding, retirement, congratulations, best wishes, get well, etc.
KSU Interdepartmental PaymentsIncluding The Commons, KSU Bookstore, KSU Mall, KSU Catering, KSU Printing, and KSU hosted/sponsored events.
LeasesIncluding operating or capital leases for equipment, rentals, and property.
Notary & Other LicensesUnless for the use of university-related business or required for employment (notary stamps, training, and/or licenses)
Personnel or Professional ServicesIncluding consulting services, honorariums, speaker fees, temporary staffing, temporary labor, doctors, lawyers, and any type of labor for routine repairs/maintenance/installation.
Repairs and Maintenance of State-Owned or Rental VehiclesRefer to DOAS Office of Fleet Management. Exception for washing/detailing services on University owned vehicles
Retreat ExpendituresMust process using ePro due to contract requirements including deposits, final payments, insurance, E-Verify, and terms & conditions
Technology, including multimedia products and services
Computers, laptop computers, monitors, printers (including combo printer/scanner/copier/fax), scanners, servers. Including data plans, projectors, screens, software, or applications (apps) for non-State Entity issued devices including but not limited to smart phones, laptop computers, and tablets.
These type purchases are required to be secured using ePro as they are tagged/inventoried items.
Transportation - Bus/Charter RentalsMust process using ePro due to contract requirements including deposits, final payments, insurance, E-Verify, CDL requirements, and terms & conditions
UtilitiesIncluding electric, gas, water, etc.
VehiclesIncluding autos, golf carts, mowers, etc.
Warehouse MembershipsIncluding Sam’s, Costco, BJ’s Warehouse, Amazon Prime, etc.
Would a purchase for technology-based lab supplies require UITS approval?Yes, UITS has indicated that all technology-based items would require review and approval.
Are eBooks an allowable purchase? If so, what are the requirements?Yes, written confirmation must be added to the statement packet that indicates that the eBook was downloaded to a KSU owned device.
I haven’t used my card since COVID, what will happened to my P-Card status?We conduct a spend analysis on cards annually. After reviewing the spend analysis, we work with the department to determine if the card is needed and if the spend limits are sufficient based on prior year spend.
If a purchase is made from a statewide or agency contract, is contract approval needed if the quote is accompanied by terms and conditions?If the item being purchase is not part of the contracted services or goods, contract review is needed. The contract would need to be submitted through the Contract Management System.
Is it necessary to check with the KSU Bookstore before ordering books form a different source?No, if the book is not intended for resale, it can be purchased outside of KSU Bookstore.
Do all terms & conditions need to be reviewed by Contract Compliance?
If a quote/invoice contains Terms & Conditions, a section to acknowledge stipulations, and/or agree to their policies, and there is a place for your initials or full signature, then the document does need to be reviewed by Contract Compliance and could potentially be adjusted to meet KSU standards.
- Note that this does not include registrations where a signature is required.
If there is checkbox to click online with wording like “I have read and understand the terms and conditions…” or “By clicking this checkbox I acknowledge…”, and there is no initial or signature required, then Contract Compliance is not required as those Terms & Conditions cannot be changed.
A list of exemptions to contract review can be found here.
Do items, such as shirts, that do not contain the KSU logo require approval by Design?Items for student groups and groups outside of KSU that do not contain the KSU logo do not require review and approval by Design Approval.
Accounts Payable
How do I access the GeorgiaFirst Payment Request System?
Access to the Georgia First Payment Request can found on the Georgia First Website GeorgiaFIRST | University System of Georgia ( Select CORE USERS.
How do I gain security access to the GeorgiaFirst Payment Request system?
Access to PeopleSoft GeorgiaFirst Financials is managed in partnership with the PeopleSoft Security Administration Team in UITS. Instructions can be found here:
Who do I contact regarding issues with using the Payment Request system?
For immediate questions contact the AP helpdesk at 470-578-2990 or send an email to
Why are we changing from Owl Pay to Payment Request?
The Payment Request module within Georgia First allows user to access ePro and Payment Request with one system. Documents can be stored in the financial system for audit purposes and workflow is automated. OwlPay will remain available for a limited time to process intercompany payments only. Effective July 1st, OwlPay will be available for the submission of intercompany payments only. All other invoices and payments will be processed through Payment Request.
How long does it take to get a Payment Request paid after it has been created and approved, and all required paperwork has been attached?
For regular Payment Requests (payments to vendors for services, contracted services, and visitors' reimbursements), where all required documentation is attached, the standard turnaround time is 3-5 days.
How many invoices can I pay on one Payment Request?
Only one invoice can be paid on a Payment Request. If you have multiple invoices from the same vendor, you must create a separate Payment Request for each one.
What documentation do I need to submit on a Payment Request?
When submitting a Payment Request, attach a vendor invoice. For requests that do not have an invoice, Accounts Payable requires some type of documentation (such as a subscription renewal or registration form) that includes the purpose of the payment, the payment amount, vendor name and vendor remit address. The invoice number should be a combination of the month and year related to the invoice.
What happens if I forget to attach the necessary documentation to my Payment Request?
The Payment Request will be sent back to the submitter with a request to attach the documentation and to resubmit the Payment Request.
Can a denied Payment request be resubmitted?
Yes. Denied payment requests are still active until the end users cancels the payment request. Denied requests are often sent back for additional documentation or to correct data submitted. Information on denied requests will be found in the approval workflow.
What is Business Unit 4300B and when would I use it?
Business Unit4300B is for payments to employees and students of the University. 4300B suppliers is maintained by the University where as 43000 is a SHARED vendor database which is maintained by Shared Services. 4300B is also used to complete intercompany payments.
Can I add additional approvers to the workflow which don’t route automatically?
Yes. As long as the users has an approver role they can be added to the workflow. See job aid called “How To Add an Approver to the Workflow.”
What do I need to do if I need to make changes to a Payment Request that was already submitted?
Contact Accounts Payable to have the Payment Request sent back. Please provide the Payment Request number.
Can Accounts Payable make changes to a Payment Request (e.g. change account number, speed chart, invoice #, attach additional documentation)?
Yes, please note that these changes will cause the Payment Request to re-route through the approval flow.
Can I submit a credit memo (negative amount payment) through Payment Request?No, credit memos should be sent to The chart string where the credit needs to be posted should be included in the email.
Can I enter more than one line (different accounts, speed charts) for the same invoice?Yes, invoices can be split funded. A line will need to be added for each different account or speed chart.
What is the best way to submit multiple student stipend payment requests?
A Payment Request should be submitted for the total amount of the stipends using Supplier ID #0000012004 under the 43000 business unit. An excel spread sheet with the student name, supplier ID#, address and amount should be emailed to with the Payment Request number referenced.
How do I make a change to a department and/or project in PeopleSoft?To change the name, division prefix, or manager of a department or project, please complete the Budget Department Request Form, which is located on our Forms page.
How do I create a new department in PeopleSoft?To create a new department, please complete the Budget Department Request Form, which is located on our Forms page.
How do I create a new project in PeopleSoft?To request a new project, please complete the Project Request Form, which is located on our Forms page.
When do I need to complete a Budget Amendment?
A Budget Amendment is needed anytime you wish to make a permanent or temporary change to your budget. Budget amendments are required when creating a new position, when an employee receives a reclassification or other salary increase, or when positions are transferred from one department to another. Additionally, budget amendments are necessary for any other permanent or temporary transfer involving student/graduate assistants or temporary staff, travel, operating, or equipment budgets within or across departments.
Business Managers have the capability of processing Budget Transfers in PeopleSoft. These are temporary transfers between non-personal services accounts ONLY. Transfers may not cross fund groups and may not include personal services.
What is the difference between a permanent and temporary amendment?
Permanent amendments carry over from year to year. For example, a permanent $10,000 transfer between Travel and Operating will be reflected in subsequent years’ budgets.
Temporary amendments are only reflected in the current fiscal year, and subsequent years’ budgets will not reflect the change.
When are budget amendments due?Please review our Budget Deadlines page for up-to-date information.
When will the carryforward for my department be posted?Carryforward cannot be calculated until the prior fiscal year is closed and will not be reflected in the budget until that point. Typically the budgets are posted in late August or early September.
Can I redirect salary savings from a vacant position?
Effective December 17, 2023
Faculty Vacancy Lag
The savings from vacant faculty positions remain within the department's budget and can be redirected through the submission of a budget amendment signed by the department manager.
Staff Vacancy Lag
Due to state budget constraints and the need to use vacancy lag to fund institutional needs, the following procedure was implemented:
Vacancy Lag on staff positions will be redirected monthly from the department to an institutional contingency account. Department managers may request to have funds returned to the department by submitting a “Vacancy Lag Request” (link included below). Once approved, the Office of Budget and Planning (OBP) will transfer the amount of requested funding to the provided chartstring. In general, Vacancy Lag funding can be requested for supplemental pay, temporary hires, or student assistants to backfill for a vacancy.
When does the university cover a vacation payout, and when is it the responsibility of the department?
The university covers vacation payout for staff employees paid by state funds (funds 10000 and 10500). The VPO is expensed to the department, and funding will be amended into the position’s budget by OBP based on information received from Human Resources. This occurs on a monthly basis, or as needed.
Vacation payouts for regular faculty and administrative faculty (i.e. deans or department chairs), as well as positions paid by revenue-generating units, are not covered by the university.
A general rule is that the university only covers vacation payouts on positions which are subject to vacancy lag.
Why does OBP need to approve HireTouch requests, PeopleAdmin postings, and EPAFs?The OBP reviews HireTouch requests for new positions, reclassifications and refills of vacant positions, as well as PeopleAdmin postings for faculty positions. In doing so, we are verifying that funding is available, the funding source is correct, the position number is correct or the department has identified funding and a new position needs to be created. OBP reviews PAFs to determine that funding exists for the action. OBP only reviews PAFs that involve a funding/salary change.
Where can I find the budget and expenditure reports for my department?
Budget and other financial reporting is available in SAS. Please view our SAS page for more information.
Tracking Research Expenditures using Department FundsPlease click here for a job aid which helps departments track spend used for research purposes.
How do I request a new elective fee or revise an existing fee?Complete the Elective Fee Request Form. Please refer to the Elective Fee Policy when completing this form.
How do I request access to SAS?The SAS Financial Account Request Form is located here.
Are there any helpful resources or guides for SAS?After logging in to SAS, the “Getting Started” page on the SAS Portal contains helpful guides and information. Please contact the KSU Service Desk for technical issues with SAS.
When is SAS training offered?Please check KSU OwlTrain for available SAS training sessions.
Travel in the Peach State
When do I need a travel request for in-state travel?
When an overnight stay is required.
Mileage expenses do not require an approved travel request unless the traveler's department requires the form.
Am I exempt from any taxes in the state of Georgia?
State employees traveling for business in Georgia are exempt from local (county, city, municipal) occupancy taxes regardless of the pay method used.
If the payment is issued directly from the University (i.e. check or P-Card), they are also exempt from state sales tax.
Travelers should provide the hotel/motel tax exemption form to the hotel when checking in to receive the exemption.
Do I need to deduct my normal drive to work?
If you are traveling on a normal workday (Monday – Friday), yes.
Concur will complete this for you in the mileage calculator. Check the box in the bottom left to deduct one-way commute miles, or the box located next to your home address to deduct round trip mileage.
Are the meal per diems different for in state travel?
The State of Georgia does not use the GSA rates for in-state travel. The rate is published as the State of Georgia Meal Allowance.
The per diem rate for Georgia is $50 per day ($13 breakfast/$14 lunch/$23 dinner), reduced to 75% ($37.50) on first/last days of travel.
Do I receive per diem if my trip is not overnight?No, Board of Regents does not allow single day meal per diems.
What do I do if I need to rent a car?
- All in-state vehicle rentals for employees must be completed through Enterprise or Hertz.
- Bookings must be made in Concur or by contacting Travel Inc. (770-291-5190) to be direct billed to the University and be under the state liability insurance coverage.
- Fuel Service, refueling, navigation, satellite radio and other options must be declined. These expenses are non-reimbursable.
- The allowable vehicle classes are Compact, Intermediate or Full size. Vans may be rented if there are 4 or more travelers. Vans up to 12-passenger must be rented through Enterprise or Hertz.
- If you did not receive a final receipt, it should be obtained from Enterprise or Hertz to attach to the expense report.
Can I stay in a hotel less than 50 miles from campus and my residence?Travelers on state business are allowed lodging expenses when their destination is located more than 50 miles from their residence AND they are away for more than twelve (12) hours. Exceptions require pre-approval from the Agency Head (President’s Office) prior to travel. The Travel department will facilitate obtaining the Agency Head approval.
Can I book outside the system if I find a better rate elsewhere?
All employees are required to make reservations through Concur or Travel Inc. per statewide Travel Policy.
Submit any Exception requests prior to the trip start date. You must submit a request to the Travel at for review and approval. Provide a clear business purpose for the exception.
Can I book my lodging outside of Concur if there is a conference rate?Yes, state policy does allow lodging reservations outside of Concur when obtaining a conference rate.
Can I get a cash advance to assist with out of pocket cost?Yes, this is allowable, if you are a qualifying employee whose annual salary is $50,000 or less. The cash advance request should be submitted through Concur.
When should I submit my expense report?
Expenses should be submitted within 10 days of your trip completion, but no later than 45 days. Expenses submitted 60 days or more from the trip completion will be considered taxable income.
I have available expenses on my Concur profile. What do I do with those?Any available expenses should be imported into the expense report for the trip where the expenses were incurred.
Some of my expenses (hotel, registration) were paid by P-card or Payment Request. Do I need to include them on my expense report?No, these are not entered on your expense report. Reporting in Concur would create a duplicate entry on your department’s budget, as they were paid by another method.
Who needs to be in the approval flow of my travel request or expense report?Your default manager will automatically be included. You should add your business manager. If you have expenses allocated to a different speed chart/budget, you should include the approvers for that budget as well. The request or report may be delayed if they are not added prior to review by the Travel Team.
Travel in the USA
When do I need a travel request?
A travel request must be approved prior to any travel outside the State of Georgia. If only mileage is reported for in-state travel, a travel request is not required.
Am I allowed to combine business travel with personal travel?
Combining business and personal travel is allowable, if the personal travel does not cause the University additional cost. Cost comparisons should be done at the time of booking. A search should be done in Concur for the business travel only. Screenshots or printouts of these pages must be kept as documentation of the cost. The cost comparison should be attached to the travel request. Personal travel also requires written pre-approval from your supervisor. Travel arrangements must be made to accommodate the business duties of the traveler and not personal preference. Rental vehicles may only be used for official State business. The state liability policy is only in effect while the employee is using the rented vehicle for official State business. Friends, family members or pets are prohibited from riding in a State rented vehicle.
How should I book my travel?All employee airfare and rental vehicles should be booked in Concur or by calling Travel Inc. at 770-291-5190 or 877-548-2996. Lodging should be booked through Concur with the exception of conference travel. If you are able to obtain a conference rate for lodging by booking directly with the hotel, this is allowable.
Do I still need to book in Concur if I include personal travel?Yes, you are still required to follow all State of Georgia, Board of Regents and Kennesaw State Travel Policies. If it is determined, that your travel caused an additional cost to the University, you will be asked to return the funds to the Bursar’s Office.
Can I book outside the system if I find a better rate elsewhere?
All employees are required to make reservations through the Concur or Travel Inc. per statewide Travel Policy.
Address any Travel Policy Exceptions prior to the trip start date. You must send an email to the department manager requesting approval and provide clear business purpose for the exception. Forward the manager’s approval email to the Travel Inbox at for review. -
Can I book my lodging outside of Concur if there is a conference rate?Yes, state policy does allow lodging reservations outside of Concur when obtaining a conference rate.
Can I upgrade my airline ticket?Upgrades are not allowable for domestic travel. If you would like to upgrade for personal reasons, book your flight through Concur as usual. Once you have received confirmation of your flight, call the airline directly to upgrade your seat.
What do I do if I need to rent a car?
- All airport and out-of-state vehicle rentals for employees must be completed through Hertz.
- If Hertz does not have any vehicles, contact the Travel department at 470-578-4394 for assistance.
- Bookings must be made in Concur or by contacting Travel Inc. (770-291-5190) to be direct billed to the University and be under the state liability insurance coverage.
- Fuel Service, refueling, navigation or satellite radio options should be declined. These expenses are non-reimbursable.
- The allowable vehicle classes are Compact, Intermediate or Full size. Vans may be rented if there are 4 or more travelers. Vans up to 12-passenger must be rented through Hertz.
- If you did not receive a final receipt, please visit Hertz to obtain a copy to attach to the expense report.
What vehicles can I rent through Hertz or Enterprise?Compact, Mid-size and Full size are the allowable vehicle classes. Vans can be rented if there are 4 or more travelers. Vans up to 12 passenger must be rented through Hertz or Enterprise.
Can I stay in an Airbnb or private residence?No, any economy sharing lodging is not allowable and will not be reimbursed. This includes but is not limited to Airbnb, VRBO, and HomeAway.
How much money do I get for food?The per diem rate is based on your location. You can find the current rates for your destination here. You will only receive 75% on the first and last day of travel. State employees do not receive the $5.00 incidentals included in the per diem rate.
Can I get a cash advance to assist with out of pocket cost?Yes, this is allowable, if you are a qualifying employee whose annual salary is $50,000 or less. The cash advance should be requested through Concur at least 5 days prior to travel but no more than 30 days.
Do I need to keep all of my receipts from travel expenses?Receipts must be kept for expenses $25.00 or more. Receipts are required for the following regardless of dollar amount: Airline fares, hotel expenses, rental car expenses, meals unless claiming per diem, rail fares, registration fees, and visa/passport fees. Receipts should show name and address of the vendor, date of service, description of goods/service and amount paid for each individual item.
What should I do if I lost a receipt for an expense more than $25?
A missing receipt form can be completed for expenses more than $25 where a receipt was lost or not received.
When should I submit my expense report?You should preferably submit your expenses within 10 days of your trip completion but no later than 45 days. Expenses submitted after 60 days from the trip completion will be considered taxable income.
How do I complete an expense report?Please click here to review the how-to guides and videos for creating an expense report. If you need further assistance, contact the Travel team at 470-578-4394.
I have available expenses on my Concur profile. What do I do with those?Any available expenses should be imported into the expense report for the trip where the expenses were incurred.
Some of my expenses (hotel, registration) were paid by P-card or Payment Request. Do I need to include them on my expense report?No, do not enter these expenses on your expense report. Since another accounts payable tool has already processed these expenses, reporting in Concur would create a duplicate entry on your department's budget.
Who needs to be in the approval flow of my expense report?Your default manager will automatically be included. You should add your business manager as well. If you have expenses allocated to a different speed chart/budget, you should include the approvers for that budget as well. All approvers should be entered before the back-office approval.
What if I need to change or cancel my travel?Prior to the change or cancellation of airfare, please be aware that any additional cost incurred requires review and approval from the President’s office which the Travel Department will facilitate. If the reason for the change is not approved, it may result in an out-of-pocket expense to the employee. Any change needed should be submitted to your approver. Cancelled airfare should be submitted in an expense report as soon as it is cancelled. You will need call Travel Inc at 770-291-5190 or follow these instructions to use the Concur system to cancel or change the booking.
Travel the World
Am I allowed to combine business travel with personal travel?Combining business and personal travel is allowable, if the personal travel does not cause the University additional cost. Cost comparisons should be done at the time of booking. A search should be done in Concur for the business travel only. Screenshots or printouts of these pages must be kept as documentation of the cost. The cost comparison should be attached to the travel request. Personal travel also requires written pre-approval from your supervisor. Travel arrangements must be made to accommodate the business duties of the traveler and not personal preference. Rental vehicles may only be used for official State business. The state liability policy is only in effect while the employee is using the rented vehicle for official State business. Friends, family members or pets are prohibited from riding in a State rented vehicle.
How should I book my travel?All employee airfare and rental vehicles should be booked in Concur or by calling Travel Inc. Lodging should be booked through Concur with the exception of conference travel. If you are able to obtain a conference rate for lodging by booking directly with the hotel, this is allowable.
Do I still need to book in Concur if I include personal travel?Yes, you are still required to follow all State of Georgia, Board of Regents and Kennesaw State Travel Policies. If it is determined, that your travel caused an additional cost to the University, you will be asked to return the funds to the Bursar’s Office.
Can I book outside the system if I find a better rate elsewhere?
All employees are required to make reservations through the Concur or Travel Inc. per statewide Travel Policy. Contact Travel Inc. for assistance with difficult international itineraries or assistance with finding the best price.
Address any Travel Policy Exceptions prior to the trip start date. You must send an email to the department manager requesting approval and provide clear business purpose for the exception. Forward the manager’s approval email to the Travel at for review.
Can I upgrade my airline ticket?Upgrades are allowable for international flights with prior approval from your manager and the President’s office. The Travel Department will facilitate the approval from the President’s Office. Send your request to prior to booking the upgrade.
Can I stay in an Airbnb or private residence?
Airbnb, VRBO and HomeAway will be considered for international travel. Send your request to for a determination.
Can I book my lodging outside of Concur if there is a conference rate?Yes, state policy does allow lodging reservations outside of Concur when obtaining a conference rate.
What do I do if I need to rent a car?
- All international rentals must be completed through Hertz.
- If Hertz does not have any vehicles or does not have a location nearby, contact the Travel department at 470-578-4394 for assistance.
- Bookings must be made in Concur or by contacting Travel Inc. (770-291-5190) to be direct billed to the University.
- Fuel Service, refueling, navigation and satellite radio options must be declined. These expenses are non-reimbursable.
- The allowable vehicle classes are Compact, Intermediate or Full size. Vans may be rented if there are 4 or more travelers. Vans up to 12-passenger must be rented through Hertz.
- International car rentals do not fall within the State liability coverage. Therefore, additional coverage should be accepted and is reimbursable for international rentals only.
- If you did not receive a final receipt, please obtain the receipt from the Hertz website for the country of travel.
How much money do I get for food?The per diem rate is based on your location. You can find the current rates for your destination here. You will only receive 75% on the first and last day of travel. Incidentals will be included in your per diem amount.
Can I get a cash advance to assist with out of pocket cost?Yes! There is no salary threshold for international travel. The cash advance should be requested through Concur at least 5 days prior to travel but no more than 30 days.
Do I need to keep all of my receipts from travel expenses?Receipts must be kept for expenses $25.00 or more. Receipts are required for the following regardless or dollar amount: Airline fares, hotel expenses, rental car expenses, meals unless claiming per diem, rail fares, registration fees, and visa/passport fees. Receipts should show name and address of the vendor, date of service, description of goods/service and amount paid for each individual item.
When should I submit my expense report?You should preferably submit your expenses within 10 days of your trip completion but no later than 45 days. Expenses submitted after 60 days from the trip completion will be considered taxable income.
How do I complete an expense report?Please click here to review the how-to guides and videos for creating an expense report. If you need further assistance, contact the Travel team at 470-578-4394.
I have available expenses on my Concur profile. What do I do with those?Any available expenses should be imported into the expense report for the trip where the expenses were incurred.
Some of my expenses (hotel, registration) were paid by P-card or Payment Request. Do I need to include them on my expense report?No, do not enter these expenses on your expense report. Since another accounts payable tool has already processed these expenses, reporting in Concur would create a duplicate entry on your department's budget.
Who needs to be in the approval flow of my expense report?Your default manager will automatically be included. You should add your business manager as well. If you have expenses allocated to a different speed chart/budget, you should include the approvers for that budget as well. All approvers should be entered before the back-office approval.