Employee Reimbursements Guidelines (Non-Travel Related)

Allowable purchases may be reimbursed to employees for expenses with a documented business purpose benefitting Kennesaw State University. To the extent possible, expenses should be paid using a Kennesaw State University payment option such as a purchase order, p-card, or a Payment Request payable directly to the vendor. For extenuating circumstances, reimbursement may be issued to an employee for amounts less than $2,500.00.

  • Review the Allowable Cost Matrix, on the Office of Fiscal Services, Accounting Operations website to ensure the expense is allowable. Please submit a ticket in ServiceNow for Financial Compliance review if needed, prior to submitting the reimbursement request.
  • Contact your Business Manager to submit a Payment Request, and provide the following information:
    • The original receipt with the vendor’s name, purchaser’s name, date of purchase, items purchased and the last 4 digits of the credit or debit card number.
    • In those instances where a receipt showing the name of the purchaser is not obtainable from the vendor, the following documentation can be used:
      • A redacted copy of the credit card or bank statement listing the purchase and confirming the identity of the purchaser.
      • A photocopy of the credit card showing the last 4 digits matching the receipt and the name of the purchaser.
    • A Sales Tax Exemption Form should be presented to the vendor for any KSU business purpose. If the vendor will not accept the exemption form, the sales tax will be reimbursed.
  • The use of cash is strongly discouraged. A receipt that is signed and dated by the vendor will be required for any reimbursement of cash. The goods or services provided must be documented on the cash receipt. Please ensure all information is readable, to include the vendor’s name that signed the receipt. A Missing Receipt form may be required.

Please e-mail vendor@kennesaw.edu for any questions regarding non-Travel reimbursements.
