Professional Development/Certifications

Payment for licenses, certification fees, specialized training, or other similar expenses may be
authorized for an employee when the institution requires the license, certification, or training
as a condition of employment. The following requirements must be met:

  • Employee is on payroll during the period that the license or certification is active for or
    during the time of training.
  • License, certification, or training is directly related to the employee's present position
    and is required by the University.
  • The University will benefit from the specialized training received by the employee.
  • Specialized training does not involve University course credit. Any course taken which
    can be applied as a credit towards a University degree now or in the future would fall in
    this category.

Financial Compliance pre-approval is required for any training related to professional licenses,
certifications, specialization, or other similar expenses. The Professional License/Certification
Evaluation Form must be completed and submitted through the online Training Request Form.
