Faculty/Staff Services
Deposit Procedures
Cashiers Cannot Accept a Deposit without a Completed Deposit Transmittal
All money received should be deposited to the Bursar’s Office daily (located in Kennesaw Hall). Do not forward any deposit through campus mail. Note our busy time of the day is from Noon to 3:30 pm, and there may be a longer wait for service.
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-5:00 pm.
Deposit Transmittal (available on-line)
- Complete top part of deposit transmittal accordingly.
- Indicate detail codes and total amount to be deposited into this account.
- Note – It is not necessary to itemize each item if they are for the same detail code
- Add all amounts and indicate this total on the total line in middle of form.
- Complete bottom half of transmittal by indicating total of each money type.
- Add all amounts of money type(s) and indicate this total on the Total Deposit line.
- Note – Both totals must equal.
- If not, any over/ short must be indicated on bottom of transmittal.
- Note – Any overages/shortages in excess of $5.00 must be acknowledged with an explanation from the department head
Follow these instructions to ensure accurate and efficient processing for deposit transmittals:
- Complete the top section: Fill out the top portion of the deposit transmittal form accurately.
- Indicate detail codes/chart string and total amounts: Specify the detail codes/chart
strings and the total amount being deposited into each account.
- Note: Itemization of individual entries is not required if they share the same detail code/chart string.
- Calculate and record total amounts: Sum all amounts and record the total on the designated line in the middle of the form.
- Complete the bottom section: Record the total amount for each type of payment (e.g., cash, checks, etc) in the bottom half of the form.
- Verify totals: Ensure that the totals from the middle and bottom sections match.
- Note: Any discrepancies (overages or shortages) must be noted in the bottom of the section of the form.
- Overages and shortages exceeding $5.00 require an explanation from the department head.
- Travel deposits: Include the employee’s name and employee ID number for deposit transmittals related to travel.
- Payroll deposits: Include the employee’s name and employee ID number for payroll-related
- Note: The employee ID number is not the KSU number found on the KSU card. Employees can locate their employee ID number by logging into OneUSG Connect.
The following issues will delay the processing of deposit transmittals:
- Invalid chart strings (if any part of the chart string is incorrect).
- Account numbers ending in “000” (budgetary accounts).
- Incomplete or incorrect backup documentation.
- Discrepancies between payment amounts and total listed on the deposit transmittal.
If any issues prevent processing, the department will be notified promptly.
All money turned in with deposit must be sorted by money type.
- Checks must be payable in United States currency and drawn from a financial institution located in the United States of America (the University reserves the right to determine the acceptability of all checks).
- Checks must be endorsed with department stamp or manually written. (For deposit only – Dept name)
- Checks are bundled together with two calculator tapes.
- Credit Card Charges are bundled separately with one calculator tape.
- Cash is also bundled separately with one calculator tape (Coins must be rolled, if enough)
Petty Cash Fund Procedures
Per Section 2 of the Board of Regents Business Procedures Manual, Petty Cash is definite funds established for small purchases, controlled and accounted for as imprest funds, the total composition of which must always equal the amount of the fund. The composition of a Petty Cash Fund usually includes cash, petty cash vouchers representing disbursements from the funds, and checks. Included also in this account would be the various change funds on campus, e.g., Bookstore, Dining Hall, Vending Machines, Change Machines, etc.
BPM Section 21 states that institutions using petty cash will need to have the following in place:
- Petty cash application and approval process
- Procedures for opening a petty cash bank account
- Reconciliation guidelines
- Closeout guidelines
- Management, record-keeping, and reimbursement procedures
Pursuant to BPM, these procedures establish the steps to be followed in the management of Kennesaw State University petty cash and project advance funds. The procedures cover the following topics:
- Fund Establishment
- Type of Petty Cash Funds
- Expenditures
- Replenishment/Reconciliation
- Change of Custodian
- Cash Audits
- Criminal and Consumer Credit checks
- Security Guidelines
- Closing of Fund
Fund Establishment for Departmental Petty Cash Fund
The department requesting establishment of a Departmental Petty Cash Fund must designate someone within the department as the custodian of the fund. The designated employee must be classified as a full-time, permanent employee. Part-time, temporary employees or student assistants cannot be custodians. The Request for Petty Cash Fund form must be completed and submitted to the Bursar's Office for approval and establishment of the account.
All Petty Cash custodians are required to have a criminal and consumer credit check. After approval of the Bursar, the Cashier Supervisor will forward the Petty Cash Request Form to Human Resources (HR) and request a criminal and credit background check. HR will confirm the completion of the credit and criminal background check or if a current (less than two years) background check is on file and is sufficient.
A Fund Custodian is required to sign a Fund Agreement, taking personal responsibility for the Fund including:
- Use of funds for approved purposes only
- Keeping accurate records that meet all requirements
- Keeping the funds and records in the approved location listed on the Fund Agreement Form
- Accounting for all sums/documentation at all times
- Ensuring that there are adequate funds in the budget to cover expenses.
Upon approval, the Custodian submits a PeopleSoft Payment Request to Accounts Payable and a check will be issued to the Bursar’s office. The Bursar’s office reaches out to the custodian, cashes the check and issues the funds to the custodian. A KSU ID is required before funds are issued. Upon acceptance of the funds, the custodian will sign the agreement box on the Request for Petty Cash Fund form. The custodian of the fund is responsible for ensuring that expenditures made from the fund within their custody comply with all State, BOR and KSU policies and procedures. The custodian of the fund is also responsible for ensuring that funds are adequately safeguarded (refer to Security Guidelines below).
If changes to the established fund amount or custodian become necessary, a new Request for Petty Cash Fund form must be submitted to the Bursar’s Office noting the existence of the current petty cash fund and the request for an increase or decrease of funds and/or change of custodian.
Petty Cash Fund Types
Petty Cash Funds are classified into one of three groups:
- Departmental Petty Cash Fund – Limited to $250.00
- Departments may request approval to establish departmental petty cash funds to reimburse allowable petty cash expenditures, which are further defined below. Departmental petty cash should only be used for small dollar purchases for which the goods or services are received at the time of purchase. If allowable, a purchasing card is the preferred method for making small purchases.
- Change Fund – Fund Limit is established by the Bursar in consultation with Users –
Auxiliary Services, Box Offices, Teachers Resource and Activity Corner, Sports & Recreation
- Change Funds are used to give change to customers when they are paying for goods or services. With few exceptions, these funds are typically held in Auxiliary departments. No other activity should take place within change funds.
- Bursar's Office Petty Cash Fund – Fund limits are approved by the Controller.
- These funds can be used to fulfill change orders for departmental change funds; replenishment of project advance/petty cash funds, expense reimbursement checks from KSU; cash faculty/staff personal checks; or issue salary advances (Controller or designee approval required).
- Departmental Petty Cash Fund – Limited to $250.00
Fund Establishment
The person who will serve as Custodian must contact the Bursar’s Office and will be required to describe the nature and purpose of the fund activities. Once verbal approval is received from the Bursar’s Office, the Custodian may complete the Petty Cash Fund Request. The Custodian must obtain the signatures required on the Form. When all signatures are obtained, the Custodian or Department designee will submit a PeopleSoft Payment Request to Accounts Payable. Accounts Payable will issue a check, which the Custodian will cash at the Bursar’s Office. Allow up to three days for the funds transfer to appear in the bank account.
- Fund disbursements should never exceed the “Requested Amount of Fund” listed in the Form.
Expenditures from Petty Cash Funds
Petty Cash purchases are subject to State Procurement, Travel and University system regulations. It is the responsibility of the department, fund custodian, and employees making such purchases to be familiar with the regulations regarding such purchases. The same purchasing restrictions apply to the use of petty cash as to the use of purchase orders and the University purchasing card with regards to prohibited commodities. Petty Cash funds should not be used to cover employee expenses, local or otherwise.
Items that should not be purchased using petty cash include:
- Items covered by State or University Contracts
- Prohibited items (e.g. Alcohol; see complete list in P-Card Procedures – Appendix B
- Entertainment
- Personal-use items, such as coffee pots, refreshments, invitations, greeting cards, radios, holiday decorations, etc.
- Cut or potted flowers
- Employee travel reimbursements (meals, lodging, taxi, airfare)
- Per diem and fees and other service payments
- Gifts, awards, prizes, including gift cards
- Memberships/Subscriptions
- Cell phone or telephone reimbursements
- Personal check cashing
- KSU Faculty/Staff expense reimbursement check cashing
- Loans/Advances
- Catering (food and beverages may be purchased if in compliance with food policy; see BPM section 19.8; food approval form required)
- Payment for Personal Services of any kind
- Rent
- Sales Tax (tax exemption certificate must be provided to vendor at time of purchase).
Repetitive purchases in the same day from the same vendor totaling more than $250 will be considered a violation of University procedures. Violations of petty cash procedures may result in non-reimbursement or fund closure.
Required Documentation for Petty Cash Expenditures
Payment to the supplier may be made in cash from personal funds of authorized personnel for reimbursement from the Petty Cash Fund or from funds withdrawn from a departmental petty cash fund.
Stringent controls on disbursement of cash by the Fund Custodian are required. All cash disbursements must be made in the presence of a KSU employee who shall serve as a witness to the disbursement. All persons to whom money are disbursed must sign a receipt/receipt log at the time of the disbursement acknowledging receipt of the actual disbursed amount. The KSU employee who witnessed the disbursement must sign the receipt/receipt log as witness to both the disbursement and signing of the receipt/receipt log. The Custodian processing the disbursement may not serve as the witness. The disbursement and signing of the receipt/receipt log must take place as one transaction and having the disbursement or signing of the receipt at different times is not permitted.
Petty Cash purchases may be reimbursed to an authorized employee or departmental agent with the submission of an approved petty cash reimbursement request, with the receipts attached.
In both cases, personal funds reimbursement from Petty Cash and withdrawals from the Petty Cash fund, must have the appropriate documentation. With one exception, (described below) all receipts submitted for reimbursement to the employee and by departmental petty cash fund custodians for reimbursement to the fund) should have the following characteristics:
- The receipt should be an original, machine generated receipt; it should not be a carbon copy or a photocopy.
- The receipt should contain the vendor’s name machine printed thereon.
- The receipt should show the date of the purchase, as well as the quantity, description, unit price and extension of each item purchased.
- Receipts should be affixed to a piece of paper for scanning purposes. It is highly
recommended that one receipt per page is attached and each page is numbered. The page
number should correspond to the summary sheet. The summary sheet should include the
- Date of receipt
- Amount
- Account
- Chartstring/Speedchart to charge the expense.
University personnel must provide a tax exemption certificate at the time of the purchase to eliminate sales tax from being charged.
Exception: In those instances where the receipt is not machine generated or the vendor’s name is not machine printed on the receipt, the receipt should be marked “Paid” and carry the signature of the vendor’s representative and the name of the vendor. It should be a formal receipt – not merely a slip of blank paper on which the information has been written.
If the receipt is missing, a Missing Receipt Form, located on the Fiscal Services website, must be completed.
Fund Replenishment
Replenishment of departmental petty cash funds must be initiated via Payment Request, with detailed receipts (see Payment to Suppliers above) attached as backup. Receipts must be submitted for replenishment monthly, at a minimum. The check is sent to the Bursar’s office and the Bursar will notify the custodian once the funds are available for pickup.
Departmental Change Fund denominations may be replenished through the Bursar's Office. For larger change funds, change orders from the bank can be coordinated through the Bursar's Office. The request must be submitted 48 hours in advance of need.
Change of Custodian or Fund AmountTo change Custodian, the Petty Cash should be closed and a new fund (with the new Custodian) opened using the Petty Cash Request Form.
Petty Cash Fund AuditsUnannounced petty cash counts on all petty cash funds are performed monthly by the Bursar’s Office for Departmental Petty Cash and Change Funds. The Custodian or a delegate must be present when the count is performed by Bursar’s Office personnel. Copies of unreimbursed receipts or pending reimbursements must be available to ensure receipts are submitted in a timely matter and all funds are accounted for. Both parties will sign and date the cash count sheet when completed. While the custodian or delegate may request a copy of the count sheet, the original is retained on file at the Bursar’s Office.
Custodianship of a petty cash fund is a fiduciary responsibility; therefore, custodians must commit to securing and managing the funds in addition to being available for the unannounced cash audits.
- Unavailable for Audit
- Custodians who are unable to commit or are not available to meet the Bursar’s Office personnel on two (2) successive cash count attempts in a month will be required to surrender their petty cash or
- Three postponements of the random monthly cash count in a year will be required to surrender their petty cash.
- Prohibited Purchases (see Section IV - Expenditures from Petty Cash Funds) identifies prohibited purchases from petty cash funds. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in suspension of the Custodian rights to hold the funds. Funds will be surrendered to the Bursar’s Office until another Custodian is selected and passes the criminal background check and the consumer credit check.
- Theft of Funds - Inform the Public Safety Department of the theft.
- Once a report has been issued, forward a copy of the police report to the Bursar’s Office.
- If the theft occurred due to the Custodian’s failure to follow security guidelines stated Section XII – Security Guidelines of these procedures, the balance of the funds will be surrendered to the Bursar’s Office and a new Custodian must be selected by the Department. The Department’s Petty Cash Fund will be reestablished once the selected employee fulfills the requirements for custodianship.
- Funds that are not returned or accounted for in following with University, State or Board of Regents policies will be considered an employee receivable. If this amount is not paid to the University within 15 days of notification, the amount due will be collected through payroll deduction, as noted in Section 10.1.2 of the Board of Regents Business Procedures Manual.
- Failure to comply with any or all petty cash policies and procedures will result in disciplinary action up to an including suspension of the fund for a stated time or closure of the petty cash fund and the return of the full authorized amount to the Bursar’s Office.
- Unavailable for Audit
Criminal and Consumer Credit Checks
Petty Cash Custodians are required to have criminal and consumer credit checks in order to receive and handle cash funds. Employees with a current (less than two years) criminal background check on file will only need a credit check. The Cashier Supervisor will notify Human Resources of the new custodian to request a background check. HR will confirm once completed or if a current background check on file is sufficient. The department is responsible for the cost of the criminal and/or consumer credit check.
HR will notify the Bursars’ office if the employee passed or failed the criminal background and consumer credit checks. If the employee did not pass the criminal or consumer credit check, the department will need to substitute another employee for HR to conduct the criminal background and consumer credit check as the replacement custodian. The Request for Petty Cash Fund form will need to be resubmitted to the Bursar's Office for the new custodian.
Security Guidelines
Petty Cash custodians must adhere to the guidelines for safeguarding the petty cash fund:
- Petty cash must be held in a locked cash drawer or locked cash box. For security reasons, a smooth metal finish box is recommended. A primary key to the drawer or box must be held by the custodian while a secondary key should be held by the department head or delegate for emergency purposes and monthly audits by the Bursar’s Office.
- In the event the authorized custodian has a scheduled or unscheduled absence, a temporary custodian can be assigned by the department head. Funds must be counted in the presence of the custodian or department head (or his/her designee) before the funds are used by the temporary custodian and upon return of the authorized custodian.
- The total amount of the petty cash fund should always equal the cash on hand plus any unreimbursed receipts. All overages and shortages must be reported to the Office of Fiscal Services (OFS) on the petty cash count sheet. If the Department Head or OFS feel it is warranted based on circumstances surrounding a shortage, Internal Audit may be contacted to investigate. If Internal Audit determines the custodian was negligent in their duty to safeguard the petty cash, the custodian may be held liable for replacement of uninsured losses.
- Department petty cash "change funds" should be counted daily by the custodian or delegate.
- Petty cash funds should always be kept separate from other cash receipts. To discourage thefts, avoid dispensing money from the petty cash box in the presence of the person requesting money.
- Where possible, keep the locked box in a limited access locked drawer, safe, or file cabinet. Funds must be secured each time the custodian leaves the office. The keys to the box and file cabinet, safe, or drawer should be kept in the possession of the custodian, not left in desks or in the office overnight. The custodian and department head may be held jointly liable for uninsured losses that occur as a result of negligence.
- In the event of a theft of petty cash funds, the custodian should immediately notify the Kennesaw State Public Safety Department and the Bursar’s Office. Incident reports from the Public Safety Department will be distributed within three days of the theft to the Department Head and the Office of Fiscal Services.
- Custody of a petty cash or change fund cannot be transferred. Upon departure/termination
of the custodian, keys to the secure petty cash area must be returned to the appropriate
personnel and funds returned to Bursar’s Office.
- A final count and submission for replenishment should occur prior to the custodian’s termination date.
- A change of custodian requires submission of a new Request for Petty Cash Fund form.
- The new custodian will obtain the fund at the Bursar's Office and sign the agreement box of the Petty Cash Fund Request Form.
Closing a Petty Cash or Change Fund
In the event that a fund is to be closed voluntarily, the following steps must be followed by the custodian:
- Notify the Bursar's Office of the intent to terminate the account.
- Prepare final replenishment request.
- Submit all cash on hand and final cash count to the Bursar¹s Office.
The Bursar's Office will review the final cash count and close the fund. Termination of the funds will be noted on the original establishment form and a copy will be forwarded to the custodian by mail.
Cash payments and Gift Cards - Reportable to the IRS. The majority of these transactions are de minimus (generally less than $25 per transaction). Current IRS regulations require reporting of earnings of $600 or more received from a single source within a calendar year. The vast majority of these transactions distributed to a single individual, from KSU, will never reach that threshold. However, if the total per person/human subject exceeds the $600 threshold, within the calendar year, Office of Fiscal Services – Accounts Payable will need to be notified so that a 1099 is created.
Petty Cash – Petty cash is a small amount of cash on hand that is used for paying small amounts owed for allowable expenses (see restrictions in Section V – Expenditures from Petty Cash). Petty cash is used for small dollar purchases for which the goods or services are received at the time of purchase. It is also referred to as a petty cash fund. The person responsible for the petty cash is known as the Custodian.
Attach any backup necessary to reference the deposit.
- Yellow copy of receipt (Receipt book must accompany deposit for verification)
- Check stubs
- Explanation of deposit
- Cash register tape(s)
Related Forms
For information on Cash Advances, email: expense@kennesaw.edu
Process Times
The standard processing time for deposit transmittals is two weeks. Communication regarding deposits will follow this scheduled:
- Day 1: Initial email notification sent.
- Day 2: Follow-up email sent.
- Day 3: Phone call made, followed by a Teams chat.
If the funds remain unidentified after the two-week period, the following actions will be taken:
- General Fund Receipt: The funds will be receipted into a general fund, requiring departmental action for reallocation.
- Funds Returned: The funds will be returned pending review and approval by the Manager, Accounting – Cashier Office and the Associate Bursar.
This process ensures prompt resolution and accountability for all transactions.